Author's note

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Well I finished the last chapter in one day! I had so many ideas and was trying to throw them out before I forgot them I hope y'all do enjoy the chapter. I got a comment about cliffhangers and y'all will probably hate me for this but a lot of the next chapters will have cliffhangers! Oh and this might be a cliffhanger right here!

I am currently varying weather or not to doba third book. In the third book Steelfrost nor Megatron! Will be the main character. There will be a new one and if all goes well with Changed by fate we will have a third and possibally final book of the Torn between Two series!!! I really do love to see so Many votes reads and comments it makes me feel like I'm doing a good job! Well enjoy :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

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