Glynnis by Ellie Bernard - Chapter Eleven

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After reading the AP History chapter on Nazi Germany, Glynnis found herself wondering if the other history textbooks had the same chapter.

"Hmm..." she surmised aloud, to no one in particular, "there must be something different about each textbook, for there to be so many printed."

Glynnis stood up, walked away from the AP Courses table, meandered around the other tables, pulling off their history textbooks. As each book was quite heavy, she carefully placed them on the floor; after collecting all the history textbooks, she found there were nearly fifty. Opening each of the textbooks, to their respective chapters on Nazi Germany, keeping them spread on the floor, she began to read. Every textbook listed Adolph Hitler, but not every textbook wrote the same facts about him.

For example, one text said his mother was Jewish, another told about his time spent in World War I, while still another told about his medical treatments. Some mentioned that he wanted to be an artist but was refused by the art school, how he engineered a massive propaganda machine, and when he ruled Germany, he was asked by the parents of a deformed child, if they could euthanize, as the child could never properly serve Germany. He agreed.

Just as she was discovering more about Hitler's Crimes against Humanity, his racial terror, the bell rang, which was followed by the sounds of many feet, and voices, exiting the school. Glynnis sat, continuing her studies, only to be interrupted, when a small brown girl with light-colored hair, wandered in. Her arms were bent at odd angles, her legs were crooked; she smiled at Glynnis with a lopsided grin. Glynnis smiled back.

"Stacy Shantel...Stacy Shantel...where are you?" crooned a friendly-sounding female voice.

The small brown girl turned her head in surprise, ambling back into the crowded thoroughfare. Glynnis had never seen, nor met, such a child as Stacy Shantel, was so fascinated by her bodily complexities, she couldn't keep from following her into the hallway.

Glynnis watched as Stacy Shantel grasped the hand of a woman she recognized, the woman bent down as though to embrace her, only to lift her into her arms. Seeing this unabashed display of affection, genuine regard for another human being, reminded Glynnis so forcefully of her and Jon-Jon, for a moment, she wondered why she wasn't pining for him. The answer popped into her head immediately.

"I gave him Glinda's kiss," she smiled, "that's why I don't feel lonely or afraid. Although," she mused, "I did feel quite nervous landing in New York, had to keep reminding myself to breath...hmm...something about my unexpected arrival in America, jostled the Glinda right out of me. Got it back, though," she happily concluded, returning to her spread of Hitler on the floor.

Glynnis sat on the floor beside the last history text she'd been perusing, when the thought occurred to her, the best way to keep Hitler, or the ideas of Hitler, out of America, really was all about insisting, and assisting, the less able attend school alongside the more able.

Which means, she thought, contribution occurs just by showing up. Then of course, the chapter on Human Sexuality stated, 'intrinsic worth must be taught'; if you don't learn it at home, you can learn it elsewhere. 

"Did you find the names you wanted?" asked AnnaReene Yimm, standing in the doorway, a large bag slung over her shoulder.

"No," replied Glynnis, happily surprised to see her. Motioning her hand as though introducing all the history books, she announced, "I got a little distracted by Hitler."

"Oh!" AnnaReene laughed. "Haven't we all?"

"I'll look up my names right now," Glynnis smiled, getting to her feet.

"Tell you what," said AnnaReene, rummaging thru her large bag. "Take this key - it opens my door, opens all the doors, actually - and you can return the book to my classroom later on."

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