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but you've always been good enough.
regardless of your family, of your father,
you are worth it

— MAYA JACKSON DIDN'T GET THE RESPECT SHE DESERVED, not behind her back at least. Sure, they nodded when they saw her approach, some even bowed slightly, some gazed down in respect but that was to her face, once her back turned, there began the whispers.

Though she liked to blame her farther for this—Romans never did like Neptune, or his descendants, mainly after the disaster the previous one carried—but some of the rumors hurt her. Either way, no one at camp liked her much; no one wanted the daughter of Neptune here, but they kept her around in fear.

Fear that she may turn on them, or that her rage—comparable only to her fathers own—may destroy camp with a blood, and so they showed her respect to her face, but out of pure fear, and so she decided she'd become someone to fear.

At the age of nine, Maya did what she needed to do and became who the daughter of Neptune was expected to be: cold, unforgiving, ruthless, and feared, and no one spared a second glance, aside from a few. Thus that became her circle; the three people who actually wanted to know who she was beneath that tough shell

However, nothing lasts forever and in the midst of her entire world crashing down, Juno—Queen Of Olympus herself—is carried by a boy across the river to camp, a boy who she recognizes.

A boy she hasn't seen in a while—almost a decade now that she thinks about it, but like another cruel trick played by the gods, she remembers those eyes. How could she not? they are a reflection of her own, a mirror into her soul.

With the gaze he meets her own with, it is clear he knows who she is—or at least a silhouette of who he remembers her to be, but that's enough for her, it will always be because here he stands in all his glory, her older brother: Percy Jackson, and Maya is determined to help him out, who knows, maybe she may find a home after all.


i own nothing but maya, her storyline and my other ocs, neither do i claim to, everything else belongs to rick riordan !!

this is take two, let's fucking go 

trigger warnings ; mentions of grief, blood, death, (canon typical) violence, underage drinking, bad influence, and other dark themes, proceed at your own comfort !!


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