Author's Notes

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Thanks for reading these short, cute little stories, I really enjoyed writing them! More will slowly be added in the future, so stay tuned and let me know if you have any ideas/requests!

The Guitar

We really didn't see much of Carrie and Darwin's relationship in the show as they didn't get together until nearer the end and they only did one story about them together once they did, which was meh, and I haven't seen that many decent stories about them either so I decided to write my own.

I also wanted to explore more of Carrie's character, specifically the more vulnerable side we never really saw, and also what her life was like before Gumball and Darwin

Oh, and before you complain about Carrie being able to physically interact with Darwn and the guitar, the show itself could never decide on the rules of ghosts, with whether or not she could interact with people and objects constantly changing throughout the show, for example Halloween had Darwin needing to be a ghost to kiss her, but later did so just fine normally at the end of The Matchmaker, so really they just changed it depending on what suited the story, and if the show got to pick and choose when the rules apply, so do I.

The Eggnog-The Tinsel

All of these were originally released as part of my TAWOG Fanfic Advent Calendar 2022, and have now been crossposted to this collection too.

The Doubt
This oneshot came from a request by Just yours truily, or Kun Chan as they go by on Twitter. Their prompt was a pretty simple one. "In the story, Gumball would question Penny's love for him after reminiscing everything he did to her and will start to think that Penny would be better off without him."

This was a pretty interesting request as it gave me a good premise but also a ton of freedom to include those plot points in whatever way I wanted.

Despite being simple however it actually took quite a while to write, mainly due to writers block at some points and me changing and adding various details throughout.

I decided to have Penny talk with Leslie as they're supposed to be cousins, but after The Flower we didn't really see much of the two of them together, and not many people have done a ything with the two in fanfics either, so I thought it was about time the two got some attention.

Writing Leslie's dialogue was so much fun as he talks in such a unique sassy like way compared to everyone else and it was really fun to imitate it here.

One thing that wasn't planned initially but I love are the references/mentions of Leslie and Gumball being queer. They just came to me as I was writing and they both fit in so well that I had to include them. You may question Gumball being queer, since such a thing was never actually confirmed in the show, but both he and Leslie were heavily implied on multiple occasions to be, and I like to think that they are.

Oh, and to some of the homophobes on the Gumball reddit who have commented to tell me to not include LGBTQ+ stuff in my stories...

...fuck off. You bigots aren't welcome in this fandom, or any others.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the story just yours truly, and I hope I did it justice!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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