19 - No Turning Back

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Zoey was acting a little weird tonight and I found it unusual that she was home, instead of doing her job at the club. She'd explained it to me earlier and she said it was supposed to be a busy night, so I wondered what changed.

I wasn't feeling sleepy at all, my brain was still thinking about Ian and I finally managed to finish my drawing though. I had enough time to start a new one as well, deciding to draw Zoey this time and feeling grateful that it was getting easier as I practiced.

It started to feel natural and it also felt good being able to express myself like this again, for real this time. But I got so lost in my drawings that I completely lost track of time, and when I looked at the clock it was almost two a.m.

I took a quick shower and put on a large t-shirt I'd been wearing to bed, long enough to reach the middle of my thighs. I'd already eaten dinner earlier so I wasn't hungry, but I was wondering if I was going to be able to sleep at all tonight.

Zoey was in the living room, I could hear she was on the phone with someone, but she didn't talk much when she suddenly appeared back from the club earlier. I could tell something bothered her, although I wasn't sure if I should ask what.

So I just stayed on the bed, drawing and thinking way more than I probably should. I thought about the things Zoey explained to me and I tried to form my own opinion about everything, but it was easier said than done.

And there was also the Ian factor.

I decided I was going to focus on my drawing and ignore demons for the rest of the night, the silence could be quite calming and-

"What have you got there, Meggie?"

Callum's thick British accent scared the shit out of me, making me drop my notebook off the bed. His red eyes were the last thing I expected to see tonight and they were definitely going to appear in my nightmares.

He smiled when he realized how much he scared me, grabbing the notebook from the floor and looking at the drawings. He took long minutes analyzing them like they were actual artworks, and I hated how I felt so exposed under his scrutiny.

"Aren't you full of surprises?" Callum handed me the notebook, still standing way too close to my bed and not caring at all about my personal space. "Those are good, now I understand why you seemed so captivated in my place. I appreciate good art... and a good artist."

His words made me blush and I decided to stand up, pulling the t-shirt down to hide my legs as much as I could. I didn't know why but every time he or Ian or Zoey were around, I felt like I was naked.

He was right about his house though, I still recalled feeling mesmerized by the many sculptures and paintings surrounding me when I was there. Even if I was barely conscious and puking my guts out at the time.

"I didn't know you were coming." I said, looking around the room to check if Ian wasn't there as well.

It was the first time I was alone with Callum and I didn't know what to do. His intensity was unlike Ian's, but overwhelming all the same.

"I'm full of surprises too." He smiled, his red eyes glowed brighter and I had no idea why. "Did you enjoy the books?"

His white hair was a pretty mess on his head and the way he dressed was so different from Ian and Zoey that it was funny. I wondered if there was a reason why he always wore white, it made his eyes look even scarier.

"They were confusing." I admitted. "But Zoey helped."

"I'm sure she did." He smiled. "I'm sad to hear you don't have any questions for me, though."

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