God I love him.

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No one's pov:

The two men soon got to Jack's house and went inside.

"Soooo, wanna watch a movie? Maybe ghost face?" Jack said. "Fuck yea sportsy!" Dave said.
Dave started to feel very comfortable around Jack. He felt so comfortable that he thought he could talk him anything even!

The two men then sat on the couch, turned the tv on, and started watching ghost face.

Jack's pov:

Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.. i Gotta take off my binder.. but I cant just do that.. fuck. Daves gonna notice my chest or something. Maybe I should just tell him the truth?! I really don't wanna lie to him.. maybe lying is the better option..? No. I wont lie. I'm just gonna have to tell him. I don't think he'll be mad at me right..? He seemed very caring today.. i really hope he doesn't hate me. Okay, I'm gonna tell him.

"Dave.. uh.. can I tell you something..?" I said. God i sounded like such a fucking idiot. "Of course sportsy! What is it?" He said back. He didn't seem to mad so far.. "uh, can you promise me you won't hate me after..?" I quickly said. "Of course Jack. I'd never hate you. I do like you after all- WAIT I MEAN-" i couldn't believe what I was hearing. Fuck that idea of telling Dave that I was trans. He.. he likes me?! Ohmygodohmygod. I was so red. He was so red. He looked away. "Wait davey.. you.. you like me? " I said. He tried to lie but I could see right threw him. I told him to look at me and he did. I then did something i never thought I'd ever do. I leaned him and his lips touched mine. It was such a nice feeling. I closed my eyes and then gently kissed him. He melted into the kiss. HE melted into MY kiss?! Oh my god.. his lips kissing mine is such a nice feeling.. i cant even describe it! It's jus so.. jdkskskskk,
We both slowly pulled away and just looked at eachother. God he was so red, but so was I.

"Davey. I- i like you too" I said. He got even redder. "R-REALLY?!" He said. "Yes davey. God I've liked you for so long. Seriously. Dave i love you. I love you with my whole heart. You always were there for me and always made me laugh when I needed it" i said. I didn't realize how much of a fucking nerd i sounded like until I said that. "Jack.. i.. i love you too<3 do you wanna uh.. be my boyfriend?" He said. I then leaned in again, and kissed him. Then we pulled away. "Of course I do<3" i replied. We both just hugged and kissed for a few minutes until dave got serious.

"So- what was that important think you were gonna tell me-?"

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