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Jack's pov:

Phoney got pretty mad at me for being late. But who cares about what he thinks, right? I started heading to the safe room. My mind was filled of bad scenarios of what happen. "What if he doesn't like if I'm wearing his color?" I thought. "Maybe he's not happy to see me?" I started to think. I put all my fears aside when I was about to walk in. I was right in front of the door. I gave myself a pep talk in my mind and then walked in. Dave seemed happy to see me! Very happy actually- and wait.. is he wearing- an orange shirt?!

Dave's pov:

Sportsy walked in finally! God when he's not here I feel so lonely. It feels like years while I have to wait for him to come into work. I really can relate to him and understand him because we both are like yknow- dead? I'm just, so happy I found someone that I could actually talk to or hang out with. Usually, when anyone sees me, they just run away or even cry.. I really like sportsy. I like him so much that I'm like, obsessed with him. God, I think I might.. like like him. Oh god. Henry can't know. He'll beat me if he knew. Maybe I'm just overthinking? And I don't actually like him? No that can't be. I really do love him. I feel butterflies every time he's around, and I write stupid love stuff about him in my journal. I even laugh and smile all the time I'm around him! God only if he knew.. and hey.. wait a minute.. is he wearing a purple shirt?!

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