I need more men

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Name: Andre Valentine Dubois

Pronounciation: An•dray Val•en•tine Do•boy

Age: 18-25 (Depends on rp)

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 156lbs

Gender: Male (Trans, only top surgery)

Sexuality: Omnisexual, male lean

Nationality: French

Likes: Hair dye, hot people, basketball

Dislikes: Hamsters (phobia), being looked down on, hard-to-pronounce words, people asking for his deadname

Personality: Andre is a very straight forward man- rather flirtatious as well. The one word that describes him awfully is "shy". He's the type of person to see a random stranger and say, "Can I have a bite?" If he's hungry. But, overall, he's genuinely a caring soul, and if you've done nothing wrong to him or the people he loves, then he'll treat you with the same respect you treat him with. In relationships, he tries hard not too, but can get jealous VERY easily. But, as long as you reassure him that you love him, it'll be okay. In other words, he's a chaotic, clingy, loud mess.

Background: Growing up, Andre never felt... Right. Like he was in the wrong body. He couldn't look in the mirror and actually love how he looked, but he just didn't know why! That's when the magical world of the internet taught him about himself. He was, in fact, trans. He kept it a secret for a good few years until he turned 16. He had come out to his parents, and they were surprisingly accepting! Well, one of them were... That soon led to his mother kicking his father out because he was a transphobic piece of shit. Now, his mother is his best friend, and he's definitely a mommy's boy. In fact, she actually helped him pay for his top surgery. What a lovely lady.


He has top surgery scars under his pecks, but no bottom surgery yet

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He has top surgery scars under his pecks, but no bottom surgery yet.




Position: Switch

Sadist and Masochist

Hardcore kinks: Stepping, overstimulation, bondage, degradation, kink shaming, ect.

Turn offs: Cross dressing unless it's his partner doing it. As long as he isn't the one cross dressing, it's okay (makes him feel dysphoric) and all of my turn offs.

Turn ons: Gentle touching, soft grinding, whispering dirty things, sexting, ect.

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