Atticus's younger sister!

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Name: Ophilia Ava Strofell

Age: 8

Height: 5'0"

Weight: 84 lbs

Gender: Female (... For now.)

Sexuality: Unsure

Nationality: African-American and German

Likes: Pudding, frogs, and Pokémon

Dislikes: Thunder storms, having anyone besides Atticus do her hair, and celery (unless it has peanut butter).

Personality: Ophilia is a very sweet girl. For the ripe age of only 8, she is quite the gifted child. Her brother, Atticus, helps her with most things. Her mother is an older lady, so Ophilia has learned to help around the house, and even knows how to properly do dishes. She's always bubbly, and would probably give her last chocolate bar to someone who wanted it. Her best friend is her "bubba/bubby", even though they're 14 years apart. Their relationship is actually pretty cute. Unfortunately, she does suffer with Aspergers/high functioning Autism, so she sometimes gets bullied in school. But usually she doesn't even realize she's being bullied, so it doesn't really affect her.

Background: 6 years before she was born, her father died. Luckily, she had Atticus to replace that hellish man. She spent her first 4 years of living in Germany, then they moved to America. Atticus had started learning up on English, so he could help his mother communicate with others. Atticus has always been her babysitter, brother, and best friend. She's never a brat for him, as she is a very well behaved kid. She has her own room at Atticus's apartment, filled to the brim with stuff he has bought for the girl- mostly frog things, those being her special interest. She loves her hair being put up, specifically in piggytails, BUT, only Atticus was allowed to touch it. He had gotten pretty good at doing hair, fake makeup, and nails. And, he wouldn't admit it, but he did let her do his makeup sometimes... it was pretty adorable.



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Ophilia usually wears a black hoodie that is at least 2 sizes too big on her

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Ophilia usually wears a black hoodie that is at least 2 sizes too big on her. Why does she wear it? Well, it was Atticus's when he was about 14, but he can no longer fit it. For her age, she's pretty tall. She has pointy ears, white hair, and blue-grey eyes just like her older brother. Almost an exact copy.


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