Chapter 4 - Talking Back

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TW - ANGSTY - our favourite, swearing

[Ps. to @AkeelahS and @Moondragonice you might want to read !Not a chapter! just a spoiler 🤭]


*Time skip*

After classes [the school day is over]


Jake's POV -

'Bell ruined it once but its not happening again.' I though as I pack my books into my backpack.

I am going to apologize to Drew and the other without anything else getting in my way!

Well actually, now that I think of it I don't even know how to apologize, I was going just to say "sorry," but I don't think that'll work...

To be honest I did ditch him and the rest and than on top of that hurt his feeling, meaning talking shit, and I also did other dumb shit to the Jomies

So a simple sorry isn't going to do it.

I could maybe make him homemade croissants! He loves those, and than I'll make a statement about how sorry I am..!

"I'm sure that'll work, I'm so smart >:D" I said out loud

In reposes people stared at me.

"Uhh N-nothing to see here,-" I awkwardly said, shifting a foot to another. The people who were staring at me went back to whatever they were doing.

'Phew close call' I thought, chucking.

Oh Yea ! I need to hurry up those croissants aren't making themselves!


Drew's POV -

Location : Drew's House, His bedroom

"HE FIRST DID THAT AND NOW BUMPING INTO HIM LIKE NOTHING HAPPEN, MAN what is wrong with him!" Liam yelled, stress in his voice.

I shot him a death glace before replying "Oh nothing it wrong with him! He's just...just-"

I couldn't find a excuse anymore, I sighed before finishing off "just mad probably..-"

"ANDD calling you useless?" Henry said joining in the argument .

I shook my head before looking at Zoey.

and I swear I saw her smirk, but maybe its my head playing w/ me..

"Those dorks are right, I mean what type of real friend uses another"- Zoey said in her high stupid ass pitched voice

Liam's POV-

"what type of real girlfriend uses his boyfriend for money" I muttered, mockingly and rolled my eyes.

Henry seemed to hear what I just say and nodded, "Poor Drew," He whispered back.

Suddenly Drew flashed a look at us. Raising an eyebrow and narrowing his eyes, I know this meant : 'Wtf are you talking about and you better stop'

I sighed and look at henry who was now paying attention to whatever shit Zoey was blahing about so I decided to start listening too.


Drews POV-

"Com'on Drewy, all he been doing is running, and lets be honest now." Zoey said fliping her hair behind her shoulder.

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