the beginning of the smartest mortal alive

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Author note (this is my second time making a story and i'm still  don't know to this but i hope you enjoyed it anyways, also this story was inspired by a story called "flames of chaos" by  so go check that at if you want)

John and vanessa were well known for being one of the greatest duo of huntsman at there, killing multipole grimms by there self with ease, so when they had a child there were excited but as a surprised, they had twins so they name one of them kan and the other (y/n), now there are some difference between them like how kan has brown hair with blue eyes with generic hair and is a bit taller then (y/n) while (y/n) had (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair, but if you somewhat know them, then you know the biggest difference between them are there personality. You see, kan can be described as your typical anime protagonist, optimistic, and powerful and because of that he was praised by everyone every second of his life and always got what he wanted without working for it. John and Vanessa always praised Kan and always gave him what he wanted and always paid attention to him because he had a very powerful semblance that is easy to master but when it came to (y/n), he was a defect. For some reason he couldn't produce aura and therefore couldn't have a semblance and because of that his parents never really paid attention to him and many people didn't like him for not being like his brother, who was always being optimistic and trying to be like his parents, one of the greatest hunter out there. (y/n) got bullied a lot because of this and it didn't help that there was a lot of mythical beijing at there that's where consider the normal so not having any aura or any powers basically means you're the weakest thing ever and his parents never really helped him with anything even when he wanted to be a hunter too but they never supported him and because this life he was living he turned into, well you have to see for yourself.

(y/n) is 9 and was walking back home after another beating he got from his bullies again and being called garbage and worthless in the world, he was numb to it at this point and he always tells the teacher but they never really do anything about it, (y/n) had some bruises and some scratches on him. When (y/n) reached home and open the door, he wasn't surprised that his parents wasn't paying attention to him again,

(y/n): hey dad.

John: oh hey (y/n), kan told me that you had a test today, how did you do.

He said not noticing that (y/n) had bruises on him

(y/n): I got 80 percent.

John: really that's it, you know kan got 100 on it with ease.

(y/n):yeah thanks for the help dad.

(y/n) then went upstairs to his room and closed the door in frustration and went on his bed and somewhat started to cry a little bit. He checked his calendar to see that his and kan birthday is tomorrow, well mostly kan birthday as nobody carried about him, and it's when kan get everything while (y/n) barely got anything and basically got one gift or if any at all. He was hoping it would be different because John said it would be their 10th birthday that he would start training them to be huntsmen and maybe he would get his own weapons and maybe he can prove everyone wrong for looking down on him.

Time skip

It was kan and (y/n)'s birthday and they had a huge birthday cake that said happy birthday kan. (y/n) was saddened that he was forgotten again, and then his parents starting to sing happy birthday to kan and when there were done and kan blowed at his candle, it was time to open present

John: here your present kan

Kan open his present and he got a weapon

Kan: why dad really, just for me

Vanessa: Yep, it's a sword made with the best material and can hold multiple dust crystals made with multiple dust crystals just for you.

John: and that all we also have a ring for you and in this ring, it hold a suit of armor the well increase your aura and your semblance and

Kan: why you guys are the best parent ever

(y/n): what about me, did you get a gift for me

John: oh yeah, we got you this

John handed him a present and (y/n) was excited to finally get a gift if not a weapon of his own. He open the present only to see is was just a book of how to make a weapon but it was also a high class how to make a weapon meaning, not only you have to be 18 to understand it but you have to have years of experience to even know what your doing

John: anyways let go kan, like i promise i would start training you

John was about to leave with kan until (y/n) spoke

(y/n): wait what about me

John: what about you

John and kan left the room to start training

(y/n) was devastated to hear those words that he ran up to his run crying and when he enter his room, he throw the book and jumped on his bed crying his eyes out , how could his own father tell him that and the only thing they gave him is a book he can't even understand, and even he can understand, he couldn't make those weapon because he didn't have the material to make them and didn't even have dust ammo for those weapon. He went up off his bed and picked up the book to see if he could understand but when he opened the book, he didn't understand any of it, he thought they made up some words and words he didn't even hear of. What could he do, the best he could try to teach himself how to make the weapons but he stills need the material to male the weapon, his only option is to go to the junkyard where some people throw their old weapons and maybe he can scrap them but still how can he self teach himself to build a weapon, the best choice is to look up how to video but it will take years to understand any of this and to build a weapon but what choice did he have. Give up and let go of his dream and prove everyone right that he will never achieve anything. He how to tried, so he went to their garage and took the toy wagon and went to the junkyard and see if he can scrap any of those weapon to make a weapon and when he did he can only get some weapon he could scrap and now he had to watch many youtube tutorial to understand the book and how to make a weapon but that took some time to even understand a single word they were saying.

Time skip

It's been almost a year since he got that book and John has still been training Kan and it was about to be his and Kan's birthday again. (y/n) went through many trial and error and stayed up past his bedtime and even to the point of not even getting sleep for the day just so he could make his own weapon and after all that he had finally made his own weapon. It was just a glove with an electricity dust crystal that he had to steal from his brother but then again he had a multipole of dust crystal he wasn't even using. It wasn't the strongest weapon there was but it was a start and to test it he went outside and put up multiple empty bottles to test on and now it was the moment of truth to see if all that hard work was with it. He activated it and started to glow, then he pointed his finger at the bottle and shot a bolt of electricity and hit the fist bottle, then the second one, then the third bottle, and then the last bottle. He had finally done it, he made his first weapon and it worked

(y/n): oh my god, it worked, it actually worked, i can't wait to tell mom and dad and—

(y/n) paused for a bit, why did he wanted to show them of what he had achieve, they just tell him that kan did something better and it not an accomplishment, then he realize why is he still trying to get there aprovel, they never cared for him so why should he cared for them and beside, this weapon was weak compared to what kan had. Then he had an idea, what if he kept approving, and he kept learning more knowledge to the point that he can make anything that he wants, he can make gadgets for himself and still become a huntsman but not just one weapon but multiple weapons that can end armies of grimms in seconds. He knew what he had to do, to show everyone that they were wrong to look down on him and that they were the weak one and not him. He would surprise everyone and not just all the huntsman but the gods themselves, to be considered the smartest mortal alive, to beat all the people who had powerful semblance and all the powerful mythical creatures just with his mind and weapons without any powers.

This is how (y/n) became the smartest mortal alive. 

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