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"You brush your teeth and wash your face?"

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"You brush your teeth and wash your face?"

"Uh huh!"

"Did TT read your story?"


"Well sounds to me like you're all set Boogie. Lay down and close your eyes ok?"

"But mommy...."

"Hush. Mommy will be there when you wake up but you have to go to sleep."



*sighs in toddler*


"Ok...Night Night baby.."

"Night night mommy...."

Jordan pouts at the sound of her son's sad and tired voice through the phone but she keeps her tone solid and soothing as she bid him a good night before hanging up.

She pulls the phone from her ear immediately with a sigh, glancing over at Namjoon beside her briefly on the bench. He was also on his phone but was scrolling through an article or something while he waited for Jordan to finish her call.
He didn't seem offended or annoyed when it rang in the middle of their conversation and it was oddly amusing to her the way he insisted she answered immediately in case something was wrong.

He looks over as she looks away to begin tucking her phone away. His gaze softens as he had an uninterrupted chance to admire how good she looked, even draped in his oversized denim jacket. Another thing he insisted on since she'd been shivering more and more as the evening progressed.

"Everything ok?" he asks distractedly and Jordan nods as she zipped her clutch.

"Yeah. My aunt texted me saying he was getting fussy. He's not really used to going to bed without me..." she admits, a touch of guilt in her voice. Namjoon furrows his brow.

"Should we start heading back? I don't wanna keep you out too late if you wanna get home to him," he suggests and Jordan shakes her head.

"Naw it's fine. He's with my aunt and she's not expecting me to get him until tomorrow morning anyway. Unless you...." she pauses to glance over at him, preparing not to sound too disappointed if Namjoon opted to cut their night shorter than was necessary. Already regarding her casually, one of Namjoon's eyebrows lift at the unsubtly of what Jordan was implying.

"Unless I what?" he smirks and Jordan shrugs beneath his jacket.

"I don't know...unless you have somewhere else you'd rather be or something.." she responds bashfully, only to be met with the shake of Namjoon's head and a low breathy chuckle. He leans back against the bench and folds his arms over his chest.

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