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You left your hoodie behind.

Sorry for responding so late.

Want me to come get it from you?
Im leaving the game and going to my parents for dinner but I can drop by before then

Im out right now so..

Oh ok.

I can just bring it to you.

If thats easier

Yeah. Thats cool.

If it's not an issue

Ok. I'll text you
when im otw


Conversations since that night in her car had gone alot like this, short and casual. Jade began responding to Taehyung's texts more frequently the morning after their kiss. The kiss she felt tremendously guilty over.

Not that she'd betrayed anyone, she was still very much single and mildly entertaining the idea of moving on. There were for sure offers, word of their break up spreading quickly after homecoming.

Jade's guilt was more over allowing herself to give in to what her heart and body wanted over her mind. Rationally, she wanted to be done with Taehyung or at least appear so, but being with him that night brought back every feeling she had been trying to forget. And it chapped her ass that all it took was a hug for her to fold.

Even now, as she recalls their texts from when she was at Joe's waiting for Alana and Alesha to arrive, she wondered if she should have just let Taehyung come get his shit and go about his merry way. Why was she here this late with her heart still fluttering at the idea of seeing him again after all that happened? One text and that was all it took for her to convince herself she needed to drive 40 minutes off campus to deliver a damn hoodie that she could have just ignored.

"Damn him."


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Jade pulls up to the house at the center of the cul de sac, her GPS alerting her uselessly. She quickly snatches her phone from the cup holder and sends a text after parking near the brick-encased mailbox at the end of the driveway. Her knee bounced a little as she waited and she scoffs at the ridiculousness of the entire scenario.

Not long after her engine ceased rumbling, motion lights beam over the vast front lawn and Jade dips her head to see through her passenger window.

Up the hill of perfect-cut grass, Taehyung can be seen trotting down the front steps and shuffling down the curved driveway.

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