Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

    The sun was hidden in the dark clouds, and the weather was hot and sweaty.

    Xu Qianqian watched Xu Qingming walk in. Although she was afraid, she felt that it was not so simple for Xu Qingming to suddenly appear in her yard.

    Xu Qingming usually knocked on the door first when he came to her yard, but this time, when he entered directly, he seemed to know that she was not there.

    What's even more coincidental is that Madam Xu called her away. If she hadn't looked back, wouldn't she have known that Xu Qingming had entered the Qianyun Academy? Was all this already planned?

    Eyes drooping slightly, Xu Qianqian seemed to have thought of something, and followed up with her skirt.

    The door of Qianyunyuan was open, she was thin and silently walked in, the little hand hidden at the cuff clenched fiercely, swallowed, and had to say, ever since she learned what Xu Qingming was like When she was with someone, she began to feel a little more fear and disgust towards Xu Qingming from the bottom of her heart.

    She even thought that Xu Qingming was a madman with a twisted heart.

    She has lived in Asayunyuan since she was a child, and with the winding corridors inside, she is familiar with the road and can walk around the courtyard with her eyes closed.

    She didn't take the road in the yard on weekdays, but bypassed the Chaoshou veranda, walked to the rockery, and then walked around the rockery in the yard to her own house, but when she wanted to enter the house, she saw her house. The door is open.

    Her footsteps stopped instantly, and at the moment when Xu Qingming turned around, she hid in the rockery and stuck her head out to look at him.

    Xu Qingming wandered around, and when he saw no one around, he just walked around the house. His sharp eyes scrutinized the house, and finally, he walked straight towards a branch-tangled cabinet in the house. .

    Until he took out those letters his mother had written.

    Xu Qianqian didn't know why Xu Qingming knew it so well, and why he could find these things so quickly.

    But she knew very well that she couldn't hide it now.

    Xu Qingming is really smart.

    Xu Qianqian saw Xu Qingming holding the letter and read it over and over for a long time. Although it was far away, the hideous and painful expression was reflected on his face, which was extremely terrifying.

    After a while, footsteps were heard outside the house. Xu Qianqian mistakenly thought it was some maid who suddenly broke in. She felt uneasy when she remembered that Xu Qingming's distorted heart was very likely to do some terrible things. The moment Xu Qianqian's heart touched her throat, a voice A familiar figure suddenly broke in.

    Zhou Liufang broke into Xu Qianqian's house.

    Xu Qingming still had the letter in his hand, when he heard the sound, he frowned and turned to look at the person who came. When he saw it was Zhou Liufang, he was relieved at first, and then there was a sneer in his eyes, and he said sarcastically, "Why, thought I was going to do it to Qianqian. What's the matter, did you come to find her on purpose?"

    After Zhou Liufang entered the room, seeing Xu Qianqian's absence, the trembling hand stopped, hearing Xu Qingming's words and meeting the sarcasm in his eyes, Zhou Liufang took a step forward, He gritted his teeth and said, "I tell you, you can do whatever you want, but you can't touch my four children."

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