Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

    The moon hung high, and a layer of warm golden light was plated around the moon, and the moonlight shone dimly, covering Xu Qianqian and Yan Cheng.

    The shadows under the moonlight add a little more beauty than the usual days.

    Xu Qianqian had no clothes that could be changed, so she wore Liu Anyi's dress, light green clothes, on the green mountain, like a jungle fairy.

    Yan Cheng's hand flexed slightly, and the hot body temperature made Xu Qianqian's heart tremble.

    He asked her, do you still count when you speak?

    Since he was bitten by a snake today and poisoned because of her, she really softened her heart, and she really couldn't bear to watch Yan Cheng die, but it didn't mean that she had written off her past life, those memories were a scar, she only Will forgive him, but will not continue to love him.

    In fact, she couldn't explain her feelings for Yan Cheng herself, she didn't know whether to say hatred or relieved feelings.

    But one thing, she knew very well, was that she didn't want to do it again.

    She did not want to be Yan Cheng's crown princess.

    Yan Cheng's poison was cured, and the guilt in her heart was much less.

    If he didn't ask, she would assume nothing happened.

    But he asked, so he couldn't pretend to be confused. What's more, she is not a person who likes to pretend to be confused. There is no spare time to maintain a relationship that has no intention of continuing.

    Xu Qianqian's warm hand, which was burned by the medicine pot, gently pushed away the slender hand that was placed on her shoulder. The voice was very soft, but the meaning in it was hurtful enough, "Your Highness, you accompany the servant girl to Xiaoyao Mountain. , and because the ministers and daughters were injured, these ministers and daughters have no way to repay, but no matter what Your Highness needs the ministers and daughters to do, the ministers and daughters will be obliged."     "But only the ministers can't give you an answer." Xu Qianqian thought for a moment. , and said: "The minister's daughter, it's still the same meaning, the minister's daughter will marry someone else, and at that time, please also ask your Highness to show your face and drink."

    Xu Qianqian's remarks caused Yan Cheng's hands hanging on both sides to clench tightly into fists, and the veins on the back of his hands burst out, as if he was very angry.

    A good one will marry someone else.

    A good face to drink.

    He is crazy.

    If you are crazy, you will drink this wine, and if you are crazy, you will watch her marry.

    It is also crazy to think that she will change her opinion on herself.

    Thinking about it carefully, how could she change her opinion of him because of this?

    She once loved him so much, no matter how indifferent he was, she chose him without hesitation.

    But it is this kind of stubbornness that makes her dare to love and hate. As long as she likes it, no matter how bad it is, she likes it, but as long as she makes up her mind to not want it, no matter how good it is, she doesn't want it.

    Therefore, Yan Cheng mocked himself in his heart, no matter how hard he tried, she would always answer.

    The water in the medicine pot slowly overflowed, Xu Qianqian quickly picked up the wet handkerchief and opened the lid slightly to breathe, and the smell of medicine suddenly filled the entire front yard.

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