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Edward Kaspbrak sat cross legged in his Mother's car, his eyes trained on the stars decorating the night sky. His tears stained his cheeks, running two lines messy down them. They glowed softly each time a set of lights flashed by. There was no use in fighting anymore. He can't stop her from admitting him.

"I'm going to get you better, Eddie Bear." Sonia said softly. Softly because she's Eddie's Mother. But in reality it was a harsh declare.

All Eddie could do was nod. There was no strength left in him to force a sound out of his throat. He looked down at his lap, intertwining his hands. Who knew how long he'd stay there? Away? Again. However, he knew this time would be different. He dug his fingernails into his palms for a few seconds. He let out a quiet sigh and returned his focus on the lights scattered outside the window.

It only took a few more turns and they arrived. The plump woman led Eddie out of the car, shutting his door for him. She took his hand and he reluctantly followed, trailing as far as he could behind her. His steps felt far too heavy to be deemed normal. Each step felt like a truck was being brought down on his foot, forcing it to retreat.

Inside, a nurse had registered Eddie's name in. She wrapped a white wristband around his wrist and then smiled at his Mother. "Are you staying the first night with him?"

Sonia looked at the blonde nurse and then back to Eddie. "He needs to be alone. He's dreadfully ill."

The nurse's eyebrows furrowed for a split second before returning to it's former state. "You can come in tomorrow anytime between nine in the morning and seven at night." she said with another smile.

Sonia dropped his hand, sent a cold smile to her son and then walked out.

A sharp pain stabbed at Eddie's chest, though he didn't understand why. Eddie was glad she was leaving. Happy, in fact. He suppressed his happiness and stared at the tiled floor. At least she wouldn't be hanging around, bossing the doctors and nurses around like usual. But... he's not sick.

"Hey, I'm Nurse Dana. You might be staying here a while," Dana cast Eddie a look, noticing that he wasn't paying much attention. Even if he was 15, it didn't mean he wasn't allowed to be looked after. "It's not scary. Promise."

The golden haired boy looked over at her. He nodded. Dana lead him through series of colourful corridors and up a few elevators. With every step he took he was heading further and further away from Bill. From Georgie. From Derry. A shuddered breath escaped his now chapped lips. The echoing sounds of muffled chatter, monotone beeps, and whirs of machines were filling up Eddie's mind. The stronger smell of sanitary items was staring to fill up his lungs as well. His home had the same musty smell. Yes, but it was a mere sniff and that would be it. No more. Here it's everywhere. Never ending. His hazel eyes lifted towards a set of doors with streaks of yellow going horizontally. There was a slim window lining the top of the two, the glass polished to perfection.

"Just through here is where you'll be staying." the blonde confirmed. Eddie had just noticed her hair was tied back in a high pony tail and her scrubs were a bright pink. He couldn't help but grin slightly at her resemblance of a barbie.

The two entered the room, causing three sets of eyes to swivel in their direction. The door swung shut behind them and Eddie stayed motionless, his eyes trained to the wall patterned with a range of colourful and dull drawings.

"These three will show you everything you need to know. I'm sure you'd like me to leave you alone by now." Dana broke the silence. She turned around and left. Not before adding, "You can press the button attached to your bed to call me."

Eddie nodded his head again, his throat still being too scratchy and itchy to push out a sound. One of the three was in the comfiest chair Eddie had ever seen. He looked fairly skinny, too skinny in fact. He had a head of messy raven coloured curls and a pair of red coke bottle glasses. He wore a stupid beach button up shirt paired with trackies. Eddie tried not to roll his eyes. His taste was horrible. Their eyes locked. Eddie was taken aback by the wave of shock coursing through his skin.

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