Chapter 26: His love, Her love

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We had stopped dancing and we were just staring at each other. My heart was jumping out of my rib cage as I stared up into Chris's eyes which were clouded with desire.

His desire for me.

I would have fallen to the ground if it was not because of Chris's strong arms around me. My heart and mind were screaming at me to just pull him down and kiss him deeply. And the next second my prayers were answered.

His eyes which were now a dark shade of green fell on my lips for a second before they landed on my eyes as if looking for permission.

I wasn't going o back away. I wanted this as much as he wanted it.

I closed my eyes and the next moment I felt wave after wave of complete bliss, warmth, and pleasure surging through my body from where his warm soft lips touched mine. It was heaven and I was lost in it for a few seconds.

And then it was like my body came to life. My hands went up on their own accord and locked behind his neck and my lips began to move in sync with his gentle movements. He tasted so good, a mix of coffee and a faint taste of cigarettes.

At feeling my response, a guttural growl rumbled Chris's chest and he pulled me closer to him by my waist. There was no inch between our hot bodies.

My mind was empty. Empty of any bad thoughts, worries, or nervousness. It was all bliss, pleasure, and peace.

It felt so right.

We pulled away when I was on the verge of passing out because of lack of oxygen. I was dazed, still overwhelmed with the intense feelings of my first kiss. I slowly looked up into Chris's beautiful eyes as the thought slowly sank into my head.

My first kiss.

I touched my lips with my fingertips. I just had my first kiss.

My first kiss!

I really don't know what took over me. Fear? Nervous? Embarrassment? Shock? I really don't know. But my eyes slowly grew wider and the next second I ran away.

God! I ran away!

Different thoughts ran through my head as I opened my way quickly through the pile of teenagers. Why was I running? Was I bad? Had I embarrassed myself? Was it soon? Will Chris care for me anymore? Will he be disgusted with me?

Tears slowly breamed in my eyes. Why was I such a coward and weak girl? Was I really that weak that I didn't have the courage to face the boy I like after kissing him? 

Yes! I was!

I couldn't see properly. I was just walking toward the front door quickly when I bumped into someone and was about to fall on my butt but two strong arms caught my shoulders. I looked up to apologize and release myself but came face to face with Ethan.

"Ella!" he said concerend. He frowned instantly when he looked into my glossy eyes. "What's wrong?"

My bottom lip quivered and I was on the verge of crying. "I want to go home." I forced the words out.

Ethan nodded without asking a question and quickly guided me out of the house and toward his car. He quickly covered me with his jacket and turned on the heater before driving away.

"What happened, Eleanor?" he asked sternly not looking at me. "Did Harrington hurt you? Where was he? Were you running away from him?"

At hearing his questions, the dam broke and I began to sob. I couldn't help myself. I had ruined my possible relationship with Chris because of my damn lack of confidence. I had ruined everything for sure.

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