Chapter 35: Confirmation

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Mom was finally coming home. It was Sunday and the sun was shining brightly from between fluffy white clouds. Even the sky was showing its happiness for me, for us.

I was very happy. I had cried from happiness in Chris's arms for some minutes last night. After long months finally mom was coming home and I had the feeling that everything was finally fine and bad things won't happen again.

I was better, a lot. I was feeling free and Chris's constant presence was helping me greatly. True to his words he had stayed at my home for the past two days and nights. It was so nice to sleep in his arms and feel his warm and reassuring presence beside me. I was able to sleep peacefully in his arms.

We had gone to therapy sessions two times and it was helping greatly. Most of the time I wouldn't remember the assault especially because of the excitement I had.

Liam and Daisy were overjoyed. Last day, they had taken it upon themselves to clean the house spotless for mom's arrival. We had moved my stuff from mom's room and had put my old bed back in Daisy's room. 

It felt nice that everything was back to normal, even better than normal. 

So that day, Chris and I went to the hospital, and Liam and Daisy stayed home to prepare a welcome party. Mom was overjoyed as well. She looked like a happy little child, jumping around and getting ready with utter happiness.

Finally, mom was discharged, fine, and ready to go home. I was supporting her as we walked toward the hospital's front doors, although she didn't need any help. Chris was walking a step in front of us, carrying mom's bags.

Mom stopped once we were out of the sliding doors and closed her eyes and tilted her head up. My heart melted at seeing the content smile on her lips. Her face was bright as the wind caressed her beautiful face. I couldn't help but kiss her cheek.

She smiled brighter and squeezed my hand before opening her eyes and looking at me. Her eyes were glossy. "I feel free." she chuckled and wiped her eyes. "I feel like a prisoner, released from prison after long years."

"We are so happy that you are coming back." I said and leaned my head on her shoulder, basking in the feeling of having her in my arms.

It felt like the safest place in the world.

"I am happy as well." she sighed in contentment. "This feels like a dream that only came true with your hard work. I really don't know how to thank you, Ellie."

I kissed her cheek once again and guided her down the stairs. "I'm ready to give my life for you." I said. "A few months of working is nothing really. Besides, I found something very important along the way."

I spoke while staring at Chris, who was leaning on his car, looking at us with a smile. He was wearing a black T-shirt and jeans with a leather jacket on top. His beautiful eyes were hidden under sunglasses and he looked so handsome.

"He is a great boy." answered mom, looking at Chris with a soft smile. "I'm so happy for you, dear."

"Your carriage is ready, my lady." beamed Chris at my mom as he opened the backseat door, making me and mom chuckle.

"Thank you, my fine son." said mom as she kissed Chris's cheek and then sit inside.

Chris closed the door and then opened the passenger door and gestured for me. "Hop in, love," he said. "The ship is about to sail."

"Thank you," I whispered and pecked his lips, making his grin wider. 

Soon we were home. Liam and Daisy were sitting on the front stairs. They jumped to their feet and began to wave and jump up and down at the sight of the car, making mom begin sobbing. Crap, even I was crying.

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