Chapter 29: Her pride

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My eyes fluttered open slowly and I came face to face with Chris. He was asleep. His long eyelashes were kissing his cheeks adorably. His pink lips were pouted and his messy hair was partially covering his forehead. Up close I noticed his slight facial hair that seemed like light stubble. He was truly handsome.

My mind was empty. I was feeling so light, so safe, just staring at Chris and feeling his arm draped around my waist, keeping me beside him. I just wanted to raise my hand and gently caress his face. Nothing seemed out of place or odd. My mind was completely empty. 


My eyes widened as the single word echoed in my empty mind, pushing the haze away. My heart began to beat faster and my body become stiff as memoirs from the last 24 hours flashed in my mind. 

She is fine!

The doctor's words echoed in my head and tears welled up in my eyes. Mom was fine. She had made it. She was going to be fine now that the tumors had been removed. 

She was going to come home.

All thanks to the boy who was securely holding me in his arms now while sleeping.

A silent sob racked through my body as I just stared at Chris. My heart was bursting at how it was overflowing with relief, happiness, gratitude, and love. Love for this boy, my guardian angel, my boyfriend.

A small frown creased his forehead and his hold tightened on my body as sobs shock it and the next second his eyes fluttered open. He blinked several times to push away the sleep from his eyes before they fixed on me and widened.

"Eleanor!" he croaked with a voice deep and raspy from sleeping. "Fuck! Why are you crying?"

I couldn't control myself anymore. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my body to his, burying my face in his neck and sobbing loudly.

"Angel, everything is fine." said Chris softly as he rubbed my back. "Your mother is fine. We are fine. Everything is fine. Please don't cry. It kills me."

"Chris!" I wailed. "Thank you. Thank you so much. I love you so much."

"God! I love you too, angel." he groaned and pressed me more into his body. "You don't know how fucking much."

I finally calmed down after a few minutes and pulled away to look into his eyes. He smiled and wiped my tears using his thumb before kissing my forehead, then my cheeks and nose, making me giggle while sniffling.

"Thank you, Chris." I said quietly. "I owe you my mother's life. I owe you the happiness of my family."

"You owe me nothing, angel." his smile grew wider and warmer. "Just don't cry. It breaks my heart. I hate to be woken up seeing you cry. There are other ways to wake me up, babe, and I appreciate them more."

I smiled as he smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. I pulled him toward me using his neck and crushed my lips to his, taking him by surprise. It only lasted for two seconds before he groaned and kissed me back hungrily.

The kiss grew deeper and more passionate by the second. Chris moved us, so I was flat on my back and he was hovering on top of me with his legs between my legs, practically devouring me. His hand slid down my side only to slide up, this time from under my shirt. I shivered at the feeling of his warm hand on my skin. 

His tongue won the fight against mine, tasting every corner of my mouth, making me moan and arch my back a bit. He made a guttural sound in the back of his throat and pulled back before resting his forehead against mine.

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