Chapter 3, Shady Antics

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The girls watched as Jaune/ Jakub laughed, as Gwen buried her face in her palms hoping to die.

As Jaune calmed down, he patted her on the head.

"Calm it rooky, can't go around like a headless chicken." He started.

Gwen, somehow blushed even harder, if that was even possible at this point, and nodded before doing her best to calm down.

"That's better. Now, why don't you tell me how you ended up pissing off shade so much?" He asked as he started to put on his gear, starting with his footwear.

"We were sent to take someone in... You can probably put two and two together," Octavia stated, looking down in shame.

June snorted at that.
"Shade giving missions that are too thought to students... Nothing new. Shade always tries to cut corners and puts shit like that on trainees. If they can save money, they will try and it ends up like this most of the time. Them crying about it and being petty." He explained as he went to retrieve his shirt.

"We heard about that, and we went on some pretty thought missions. But this was way out of hand. That Naborus character is way beyond us." Said Dew.

At that Jaune bolted out of the bathroom, shirt clenched in hand and an aura of bloodlust radiating from him.

"Naborus, Beck Naborus?" He asked.

"You know him? Is he a big thing?" Asked Gwen.

Jaune laughed manually.
"Those shade fuckers have a death wish..." He began, as he walked over to the table with the rest of his gear.
He equipped the rest and took his revolver in hand. He spun the cylinder and readied his gun.
"And I'm gonna give it so them!" He started, ready to head some blood.

"What's going on?" Asked Nebular.

"Get moving, I'll tell you on the way." Stated Jaune.

"On the way to where?" Asked Dew.

"Shade." Came Jaunes' response.

Time skip, scene change.
Bullhead heading to Shade.

After a rather 'unique' conversation between Jaune and the pilot, the pilot reluctantly agreed to fly them to shade.

June and the girls of team NDGO we're sitting in the passenger area of the bullhead.

"This is way beyond you." Started Jaune, drawing confused looks from the girls.

"Beck Naborus... Hah, I am surprised you are even alive... After all, you came face to face with Beck Naborus, the river of blood, the ripper, the body butcher... " he trailed off, meaning he held many more titles.

The girls slowly got why he was acting like he is.

"Rumors say he has the highest bounty in the history of Remnant... If you can trust the rumors. No evidence of said bounty, even less so of his identity. He's a legend, a folk tale, a monster creping in the shadows..." He started as he looked over his revolver.

The girls got shivers and good bumps all over. They did not like where this was going.

"I... I came across him once." He said in a shaky voice.
"It was at the beginning of my career as a bounty hunter... For 4 months I was hunting bounty. That's when I came across a nomad camp... Or what has left of it. Bodies... Torn and butchered, red staining the sands all around... And in the middle of all that, there he stood. A dark-gray poncho, covered in blood. A weathered face, with a wicked grin. Eyes like a fucking grim.
We fought... And I was losing by a large margin, It would have been my death right there and then... But my luck saved me once again, a sandstorm started up in the blink of an eye, and I managed to lose him within the storm"
He gripped the revolve,r, spun it around, and holstered it.

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