Chapter 4, Heading Far East

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For a long time, it was...

Day in and day out...

All scum you can find gathered up in the sands of Vacuo and called it their home, their haven...

That is until, 2years ago...

Jakub Kri came...

The scum died...

And it went on, day after day...

With their safe heaven gone... All remaining scum fleed the kingdom...

But was that enough to save their asses?...


With no one left to hunt, the hunter headed east, far east... The corrupt kingdom of Mistral.

Beacon Academy, Ozpin's office.

Ozpin sat at his table, on his right Glynda stood patiently waiting for her boss.

Before them stood teams RWBY and the remains of JNPR.

"I'll get straight to the point. Your teams will be sent to the town of Agua Fria, to deal with a group of outlaws, led by an infamous killer by the name Texas Red. I do believe you are capable of taking care of them, but I do advise caution... Texas Red killed 20 huntsmen\bountyhuntrrs." He stated, sending shivers down his student's spines.

"20 separately... They were too prideful and full of themselves and tried and failed to take him in by themselves. The 7 of you should not have too much of a problem dealing with him and his gang." Explained Oz.

"We won't disappoint, headmaster." Stated Ruby with confidence.

Timeskip, scene change.
Agua Fria, noon.

The two teams arrived at the town via bullhead and as soon as they landed they sought the mayor.

And to their surprise, everyone was in a really good mood for being oppressed by outlaws.

They soon found the mayor, drinking with the people at the local bar. And as soon as they explained to him as to why they were there, he busted out laughing.

"Hah, you big city folks can't do nothing no more. You are 2 days late on taking their bounty!" Explained the mayor, as he continues to drink.

"What do you mean we are too late?" Asked Yang.

"Just that. 2 days ago and bounty hunter came and dealt with them. End of the line." He cheated.

"But Texas Red killed every solo hunter who went after him, every 20 of them." Said Pyrrha.

The mayor and everyone around laugh.
"Well, this hunter was of another caliber, I tell you that much." The mayor said.

The two teams just looked confused.

"Well, how about you just listen and see." The mayor said.

Before the huntsmen in training could question anything, a microphone at the stage was tested and soon after a guitar started playing and a projector sprung to life, projecting a blank white at first.

And the guitarist started singing.
(Original lyrics Big Iron-Marty Robbins, replaced Arizona ranger and ranger with bounty hunter and hunter)

To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day
Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say
No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip
For the stranger there among them had a big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip

It was early in the morning when he rode into the town

(A photo was projected, showing a blurry picture of a man with raged cape and a black cowboy hat riding a black horse.)

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