Chapter 1, Blood In The Sands

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Step... Drag...

Step... Drag...

Step... Drag...

Was all that could be heard in the middle of the desert, as cloaked figure with a black cowboy hat dragged a body behind him.

The body, was tied up and the person was unconscious.

'Just another days work...' Thought the figure as he kept dragging the body.

Flashback starts... Camera Flys up into the air gta style.

The camera Flys down, as it goes to zoom in on a boy walking the desert.

He wore a pair of dark blue jeans and a black t-shirt. A pair of sneeker as his footwear a pair of fingerless black gloves on his hands. And that's it. That's all he had on him.

His messy blonde hair swaying from side to side as he struggles to walk. Dried blood on his face, arms... Whole body basicaly.

His blue eyes... Dead, emotionless, devoid of life.

The boy is... Was Jaune Arc. Now it's just Jaune.

As many Stories told, this one takes place in an alternate reality.

The camera circles around him.

In this reality, Cardin Winchester, after the accident at forever fall revealed Jaune's transcripts.

The rest... You can't put two and two together.

After being kicked out of Beacon, being disowned by his family and nearly beaten to death by his 'friends', Jaune, broken both bodily and mentaly, his dreams shattered and his spirit broken just wanted to end it all... But like his ancestors, if he had to die, he would die on his own tearm. And just something, something he didn't know why, called him towards the dessert sands of vacuo.

So on his journey for his death, he draft himself onto the first bullhead heading towards Vacuo. He barely manged to seek onto one. That bulldead went to Vacuos border. Jaune got off unnoticed and just started walking... walking toward the desert... Walking towards his death...

And now, here he is. Walking the sands, waiting for eathe the heat or the native Grimm to kill him.

The sun burning hot on his skin, lack of water leaving his Mouth dry. The shear heat getting to his head.

Madness slowly taking him, as he started hearing the voice sof his 'friends' and 'family' torment him.

He just wanted it to stop. He just wanted the suffering to stop...

He walked the desert, searching for death...

But did he know what he would find... No he did not.

Voices ringingin his head he snapped his focus on a bang... A gunshot.

A gunshot of all things. He looked towards where he heard it but just brushed It of as his mind messing with him.

But a moment later he was snapped back towards the direction. A gunshot again. A real gunshot, he was sure of that.

With what ever streanght he had left, slowly ran towards the sound.

As he came atop adune he could say for certain he was not mad.

Down below, were two man, fighting.

One man in his 50s, dressed in a tattered cloak, and grayish brown themed clothes, with a rather large knife, look drather beet up, faced of against a man in his 60, with a black cowboy hat, a white button up shirt, and black trousers. A beat for ammo slung around his chest. But no weapon in hand. He was bloodied good, if he had aura it was broken.

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