twenty-one: [when] I'll be along

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It's Friday somewhere, right? ;)


You and Levi stay in that meadow long past sunset and well into the evening. The two of you only head back when you mention that you're hungry.

You can't remember ever being in a better mood as the two of you wander back, occasionally nudging each other and horsing around. Slipping back into this just feels so natural and so right that you have no doubt that this is what you've been missing.

It's not just the person. It's not just Levi, who looks so pretty with the moonlight on his face and his hair in his face and he scoffs at you. It's the feeling, the giddy feeling in your chest, the unadulterated comfort and safety. 

The Capitol took this away from you once. You can't imagine having to lose it again, because you finally, finally, feel... whole.

Your little moment of bliss is harshly interrupted when you and Levi get back into the District 13 bunker and nearly run into a brunet man as he rounds a corner.

"Levi," he says breathlessly, and he looks at you like he knows you- you've got no idea who he is. "Everyone's looking for you two. There's been- holy shit, Levi-"

"Farlan," Levi interrupts, "what?"

"People have started rioting in the Capitol streets!"

You blink. "They what?"

The brunet- Farlan- turns to you. "Hi, we haven't met," he says, and he sticks out a hand. "Levi's childhood friend. And if you've decided that you don't, in fact, hate him, then I've got dozens of embarrassing stories for you."

"Farlan," Levi says with a click of his tongue.

You clasp his hand in both of yours. "We're going to be fantastic friends," you say. "What was that about people rioting in the Capitol?"

Farlan nods, dropping your hand. "Everyone's in the conference room. Come on."

He leads the way, and you and Levi follow him down the hall. You're not exactly ready to jump straight back into your 'job'- you'd enjoyed that time outside with Levi a bit too much. You'd much rather go back to that. Regardless, you don't really think you have a choice, but it had been nice to finally clear everything up and ease the ache in your head.

Your eyes shift sideways to glance at Levi. He's already looking at you. "What?" you ask, lips twitching.

"Nothing," Levi mutters, looking away.

"Nothing? Then why were you looking at me?"

"I wasn't."

"You were."

"I wasn't."

"I'm not blind."

"Aren't you? You keep squinting."

"You asshole, I squint to get a better shot, obviously-"

"Sorry to interrupt this wonderful hate speech," Farlan says, looking over his shoulder at the two of you as he walks, "but where were you guys?"

You glance at Levi, then at Farlan. "Out?"

"Out," Levi agrees.

The brunet frowns. "So you guys are- you're okay now?"

You look back to Levi. He's looking to Farlan, but when he feels your eyes on him, he looks back to you. "His face annoys me," you say, reverting your gaze back to Farlan, "but otherwise, we're okay."

Levi shoves your shoulder, scowling. "Fuck off."

"You fuck off."

"You called my face annoying."

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