twenty-two: you're headed for heaven

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Thank you guys so much for your patience. As promised, here's chapter 22! Longest chapter to date. Love you all, enjoy <3


You barely get a wink of sleep.

You're too busy replaying the plan in your head again and again. Wondering where things will go wrong, wondering where you'll lose people. How many people are going to die? You know full well that Erwin and his team have worked their hardest to come up with the best possible plan that will lead to the smallest number of casualties, but there's only so much that can be predicted. 

You've never been this nervous for something before. Not the games, not any of your missions. But the dread that's built up in your stomach won't go away and it's making you feel sick.

"You're not asleep," Levi murmurs next to you.

You burrow your face further into his shoulder. "Neither are you," you mutter.

"I don't sleep."

"Well, I don't either."

Levi's hand rises, and his fingers thread loosely through your hair. "We leave in five hours," he says. "You should sleep."

Five hours, huh. "Run it through with me," you say.

"You want to?"


"You already know exactly what you're doing."

"I know, but just in case."

Levi sighs softly. "Okay. Step one."

"Distraction," you murmur, voice partially muffled by Levi's shoulder. "Which you're joining me for whether Erwin likes it or not."

"Damn right," he replies. "Keep going."

Your lips twitch. Levi had gotten his assignment, told Erwin point-blank, "I'm staying with her," and Erwin had just moved on. Whether he believed that Levi was being serious or not doesn't matter- Levi's sticking with you. You're in charge of the distraction, and he's in charge of getting you out of there. At least, that's the job Levi's taken upon himself.

"Step two," you say next. "Get over the gate."

"I still think they're nuts."

"It's not that crazy. Maybe a bit, but it's something I would come up with."

"I think that speaks for itself."

"Oh, come on."

"Step three," Levi says, and you feel him shift slightly beside you, "get inside."

"And step four," you add, "go through those hallways and destroy as much shit as possible and kill Rod Reiss."

He sighs, almost affectionately. "Try again."

You roll your eyes. "We're going for Zackly," you grumble. "A different team gets the pleasure of finding the stupid president. We're finding Zackly and his office and downloading all of the data he has. That's it."

"Zackly's a good target."

"Still not the president though."

"That's because Erwin doesn't trust you not to kill the president when you see him."

You scoff. "Can you blame me?"

"No." Levi kisses the top of your head. "He knows I wouldn't stop you either."

Your lips twitch. "Step five," you finish. "We all regroup at the back of headquarters, away from the citizens and any remaining Peacekeepers, and the aircrafts come pick us up."

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