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Finally it's Saturday, you got up extra early to look presentable for your parents. You had no clue what the surprise could be but your really excited. You just decided to wear a cute white dress and a little bit of makeup. You let your hair down and curled the ends.

You quickly looked into the mirror applying your lipgloss as the final touch. Walking down the stairs you put your shoes on, your phone buzzing in your pocket.

We're outside.

Your dad messaged. You said goodbye to your friends going into the lift to get to the bottom floor. When you step outside your mother walks out of the car pulling you in for a big hug.

"My baby's getting so old now...Happy birthday!" She said hugging you tightly, you smiling hugging her back. Your dad didn't get out the car, you expected it anyways you weren't that close to him really.

As you get into the back of the car you heard your dad speak, "Happy birthday my beautiful girl" He said smiling taking you by surprise. You just thanked him asking where you would be going today. "You will have to wait and see" He said looking at your mum who looked kinda sad?

The car journey wasn't too long, your dad pulled up to a big house that had big gates. It looked it some sort of mansion or something. There were body guards at the entrance, your dad telling them something that you couldn't hear.

They both nod as the gates open. Once you was inside your dad parked up, now you could really see the house. "Woah, why are we going into a mansion" You asked getting out of the car.

"Listen y/n, I need you to not talk only when I tell you to. You need to be respectful and don't run that mouth of yours" Luke told me.

"Dad what's going on? I thought we was doing something nice for my birthday" You frown looking at your father then to your mother who let a tear drop. "What's going on?" You panic as luke grabbed your arm tightly.

"It's for your own good. Now shut the fuck up and be good" He whispered in my ear as we walked through the massive house. There were more body guards inside who patted us down making sure we didn't have anything on us. That was until they took out a gun from Luke's pocket, giving it back to him straight after.

Your eyes widen, "what the fu-" your cut off by your mum slapping her hand over your mouth. To say you was scared was understatement. You didn't know your father owned a gun.

"Mr Holland shall see you, follow me" A man with blonde hair and blue eyes said, escorting us through the halls. He wore a suit as well.

Did he work here?

He then knocked on a door that was different to all the other rooms we walked past, this one was at the end of the hall. The man then opened the door, two men were inside who stood up straight away.

"Thank you Mr Osterfield" The older man said as the other guy who was maybe a bit older than you gave a smile to him. "Take a seat Mr and Ms Y/L/N, and Y/n" He told you all, your dad pushed you into the room.

You sat in the middle seat, your mum to your left and your dad on your right. The older man sat in front of you all and the other man next to him on the right. The guy named 'Mr Osterfield' left the room closing the door behind us.

Before you could even start to complain the man spoke, "This is Tom, my son. I promise you that this agreement will mean that he will give your daughter all the protection she will need-" Mr Holland started to speak about the guy named 'Tom' next to him.

"I don't need protection. What's happening?! I thought we was doing something for my birthday surprise" You look at your parents getting annoyed.

"Y/n, you must not know. You will be marrying my son here. He is a very powerful man to the Mob and he will provide protection and security. All you need to do is sign this agreement paper." Mr Holland told you, pulling out a paper.

"WHAT!" You almost scream standing from your seat. "There's no way i'm marrying a guy I don't even know. Mum you can't let them do this" Turning to your mum who looked guilty as ever.

"Darling just sit down please" She pleaded grabbing my arm.

"No Im not gonna sit down. I ain't marrying a person I don't even know, Im fucking nineteen. Im sorry Mr Holland but i'm not marrying your son" You snap at them all, Tom smirking a little bit at you. You scoff turning around to leave, however Luke harshly grabbed your arm. "Get off me" You try get out of his grip but it made him hold you tighter.

"y/n sit down" He growls at you standing up.

"NO!" You shout making him snap his eyes to you. Then you felt a stinging pain on your right cheek, he slapped your face hard. You quickly place your hand on the stinging pain, he definitely left a hand print.

"Y/N we aren't taking no for an answer. Sit the fuck down and sigh it" He yelled making you go silent, sitting back in the seat.

You looked over at your mum as tears escaped your eyes. You couldn't believe that this was happening, that your parents would do this to you. You picked up the pen signing the agreement paper, then Mr Holland slid the paper to Tom giving him the pen.

"Sign it Thomas" He said, Tom sighed signing it too. Looks like he didn't want this either, you thought. He signed it, great. Now your basically owned by a man you didn't know. He was now your husband.

"You will live here, your stuff will be dropped in two days" Mr Holland said shaking hands with your dad. You gave one more look at your so called now 'Husband'. At least he was hot, right?

Your parents then walked out the room you following after them. You didn't want them to leave you here, you wish this was a dream that you could wake up and actually get a good birthday surprise.

"Mum Please don't leave me here." You cry as she hugs you, you love your mum so much. You used to be so close to her, and now your being taken away from your parents.

What about my friends?

You didn't know what you would tell them. You didn't even know how your stuff will be taken out of your apartment. "I'm sorry y/n, I love you okay" She cried letting go off me walking out the house. You wanted to run out with them, but the body guards shut the doors.

"No, no no." You cried, looking around the house realising that this was real and not a dream. Life was going so well and now you are a wife to someone you don't even know.

"Hello Ms y/l/n" Someone said from behind you, it was Mr Osterfield. You just looked at him waiting for him to carrying on. "Would you like me to show you to your room?" He asked, you nod.

You follow him up the stairs and into a room that was now yours. It was quiet a big room with a king sized bed. It has a bathroom in it, a dressing table with a beautiful mirror and even a big closet room. It was better than the room at your apartment, but it would never be the same.

"Mr Osterfield-"

"You can call me Harrison" He smiles standing by the open door.

"I'm y/n. You probably already know that. What exactly am I doing here?" You ask.

"Well you must've not known anything y/n. Your dad is a mafia boss, well he's sorta retiring now. You need protection from the other mob bosses. Tom, your husband, he is a powerful man. I work with him, he's my best friend. Your father and his are working together so you can be protected." He says like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"So you guys kill people?" You step back. You have heard the stories of the gang leaders, they kill lots of people and are very dangerous.

"We kill the people who deserve it" He replies. "I'll leave you alone now, Toms room is down the corridor to the right if you need him" He says, closing the door.

You look around your room, taking in everything that has happened today. You lay down on your bed, hugging your knees, crying. Now you have to live a new life. You have entered a dangerous life. The mob.

I took a bit of a break sorry guys but now i'm back! I'll try post as much as I can. Have an amazing day love you all x

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