Chapter 2

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As Jonathan drove, I could see the high school coming into view. He drove into a parking spot and parked the car. "Okay, I'll be in this spot around 3:00 when you guys come out of the school. Carol, El, don't worry, just follow Will and his friends to your classes." Jonathan told El and I as the three of us got out of his car.

We nodded our heads and we watched him drive off. Just as we were about to walk into the school, I heard a familiar engine from a fast car. I looked over my shoulder and I saw the infamous blue Camaro. Billy Hargrove. Along with my sister Ellie and his step sister, Max.

Ever since what happened at Star Court Mall, Billy's become a nice guy. He's not the same jerk he was before. I can still remember what happened that changed him. El got into his memories and told him that he was not his father.

And I remembered as he was about to sacrifice himself to save the others from the Mind Flayer, I pushed him out of the way and I took his place. I remember raising my hands and screaming at the Mind Flayer as fire came from my hands and burned the Mind Flayer. It was the only thing I could think of, since it reacted with pain from those fireworks.

I remember El and Ellie walking beside me and helped me burn the Mind Flayer. I was glad that El didn't lose her powers ever since a piece of the Mind Flayer was inside of her, but with the help of Ellie and I, her powers returned.

"Hey Ellie, Billy, Max." I told them with a smile as they walked up to us.

"Hey Carol, Will, El. Ready for the first day of school?" Ellie asked us.

I looked at her with a nervous smile, "not really, I'm so nervous." I told her.

"Don't be, it'll be okay, maybe we'll have some classes together." Billy said. I nodded my head and we walked into the school. When we entered, some counselors gave us our class schedules. We all looked at our schedules, and we had roughly the same classes together.

"I have English first period, I'm gonna go ahead and go find it." I told the others.

"I have the same class as you, I'll come with ya." Max told me. I smiled and we walked to our first period. After a few minutes, we finally found our class and walked in. I sat in the back by the window while Max sat in the middle.

I set my stuff down on the floor and looked out the window before pulling out my notebook, since it was still a few minutes before the teacher comes. I opened my notebook and started drawing random things. I didn't notice anyone walking towards me and sitting beside me.

"Whatcha drawing?" I heard a voice. I turned my head and I saw a guy with long brown hair that was messy. He was wearing a jean jacket with a shirt that said Hellfire with a demon on it.

"Huh, oh just doodling." I told him as I looked down and continued to draw.

"It looks cool, I'm Eddie by the way." he said as he extended his hand towards me.

"I'm Carol." as I took his hand and shook it. He smiled at me before he let go of my hand. I looked up and saw the teacher walk in. I put my notebook away and pulled out a different notebook to take notes in.

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