Chapter 6: Watching

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You knew you had a crush on Sana for a long time.

It really didn't surprise you to have these kinds of feelings for someone, you always knew your love wasn't gender specific. And after all, Sana was probably one of the most lovable people you knew. She was kind and gentle, compassionate and sweet, but also funny and very passionate in everything she did, with her warm smile, her lively eyes and her beautiful body.

No, you weren't really surprised when you found yourself in love with Sana. 

What surprised you was when the kisses turned into bruises, the hugs into slaps, the night caresses into blows... and you thought it would disappear over time, but no, it just got stronger and deeper until you thought your heart might burst from all the emotions contained in it.

But you didn't do anything about it for a long time, and unfortunately, the people around you didn't notice the signs. Or, maybe they did, but they didn't dare say anything.

And when do we begin to realize?

One day while we were all eating in the school, you suddenly said:"Um... girls, I was wondering if you would like  to go to my ballet recital tonight?"

We all stared at you, surprised by the sudden invitation:

"Of course honey!! I wouldn't miss it for the world" answered Jihyo with a smile on her face

"Little girl, you don't even ask yourself that. YASSS" said Jeong.

"Of course Minari! Thanks for inviting us"  Chae replied, with the same smile as Jihyo.

"Wow Mitang, I had no idea you danced ballet!" replied Dahyun

"hehe I danced  since I was a kid, it's just that I didn't consider it something important to say." you answered embarrassed.

"Ahhhh my girlfriend is the most talented of all" said Sana giving you a kiss.

"Thanks for the invitation Minari, I can't wait to see you dance."I said smiling at you. Sana, seeing our smile, let out a grunt and continued eating.

After class, Chae and I went home (along with Jihyo as we were going to get ready together) we were all very excited to see you dance but also nervous... not that we went to ballet recitals or the theater many times, so we didn't know if we would fit in those very elegant environments.

"Unnie?" Chae asked "can I invite Tzu over to the house to change please?"

"Of course girl"- I replied

(This information is irrelevant Minari, but from there I already knew that my sister liked Tzuyu)

At home, while we were getting dressed, Jihyo came up to me and said:

"Excited right?"-

- "About what?"

"That you are going to see Mina..."-


"Look, even though the others are idiots, you don't hide anything from me, I know you like Mina"

"What? me?... well yes, a little"

"Aha, I knew it, you have my blessing" I laughed.



"Is Sana your friend?"

"She Well, she is from my group of friends but there is something that does not convince me about her relationship with Mina... I feel that she is very controlling and she gets furious if she does not do what she wants, why?"

"The thing is, the first time I saw her, she had bruises on her arms and the second time I saw her, Sana had left her in the middle of the rain. I don't know if it's true or just assumptions"

"What? Then I'll have a conversation with her, I don't want her to be going through something. Besides, you already know how she is, even if it were true, she wouldn't tell us..."

"I'm worried about Mina, too. But I don't trust Sana. We'll have to find out," said a voice at the door. It was Tzuyu.

That's when I realized that I wasn't paranoid, more people had already noticed. I know, everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but at least I'm not alone in this.

When we got to the theater we met the others, we hugged and sat on the chairs, the show was about to start...

The curtain opened.

And the light only pointed at you.

The entire theater fell silent.

You walked slowly. 

Your body moved almost as if you were a butterfly just out of the chrysalis. Broken and weak, but still you pretended to fight an invisible enemy. Your movements were delicate and graceful around the stage as you seemed to weaken and get closer to the ground until you elegantly lost the mock battle. You spun around again, your body twisting to the left as your right hand moved until it reached your heart. You lowered your leg as you completed the twist and your hands moved along the skin of your arms. You jumped and did splits in the air. Fighting the invisible enemy once again.

The more I saw you, the more I fell in love with you, and the brightness of the spotlights compared to that of my eyes when I saw you, would be null.

You stood up before moving faster now. With more energy. As if in your dance story, you regain your strength. Effortless,you brought your leg up during a turn. You fell to your knees again and your body leaned back. Your arm and body were moving in a circle before your torso had straightened up. You were still weak, but you didn't give up.

As soon as you finished, the immaculate silence of the auditorium was replaced by boisterous applause and shouts.

And in the end, I understood...

𝓥𝓲𝓿𝓪 𝓵𝓪 𝓿𝓲𝓭𝓪- 【A Minayeon fanfic】Where stories live. Discover now