Chapter Six

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  It was a crisp cold Saturday morning and  Lucas and Katy had only just woken up. "Would you like some breakfast love?" Luke asked Katy. "No thanks I'm not really hungry." Katy lied. "You've been saying that a lot lately Babygirl." Lucas said in a voice of concern.

  "Yeah, well so what.... I mean I don't see why you need to make a big deal out of it." She said to him. "Because you need to eat Katy, what your doing just isn't good." He said to her. Hearing the concern in Luke's voice made her heart sink a little bit.

  The only thing was that she didn't see anything wrong with what she was doing. Her emotions were just all out of whack right now. "Katy please at least let me cook breakfast for us okay?" He said to her as he started walking downstairs to his kitchen.

  She decided to just go downstairs with him as well. "Babe what are you gonna make?" She asked him. "I'm just heating up some waffles and bacon." He told her as he put them in the microwave. Just seeing the plate made her feel sick to her stomach just knowing how many calories the food was. "Thanks but I really shouldn't do this I'm supposed to be on a diet." She told Luke.

  "What do you need to diet for you're perfect Babygirl." He said to her as he kissed the top of her forehead. "You just don't get it okay, I'm not as perfect as you think I am." She said to him. "You are to me." He told her. "I gained a couple of pounds over the summer and I don't want to put on any more." She explained to him.

  "You aren't fat Katy." He told her. "You have to say that because your my boyfriend." She said to him. "No that's not really the case, but the way your going about this isn't healthy." He explained. "I just need to do something about it before this gets out of hand." She explained.

  "Look I realize now that your not going to hear me when I tell you that your pretty damn gorgeous to me no matter what!" He explained to her. "Thanks Babe but it's just something I have to do okay." She explained. "Okay, but promise me you'll eat something?" He said. "Fine, but I'm not very hungry." She said annoyed.

  Luke took her plate out of the microwave and handed her a fork and syrup. Then he started to eat his. Katy placed a hand over her stomach as it let out a growl only loud enough for her to hear. She really was going to regret doing this but she also didn't want Luke getting any more suspicious of her. So she  picked up her fork and started eating her breakfast.


  After a couple of minutes they both finished eating breakfast. "See now was that so bad?" Luke asked her. "I didn't realize I was so hungry." Katy said to him. Her thoughts were starting to take over again and she missed the feeling of having an empty stomach. All she wanted to do was to be empty again. But how? She wondered to herself.

  "Hey." Luke said to her. "Yeah." She said to him. "I'm so proud of you." He said to her. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll be right back." She said to him. "Okay." He said. As she made her way up the stairs to his bathroom she felt a little bit queasy. Probably from all the grease she thought to her self.

  She walked over to the sink and started to let the water run. Then she knelt down besides the toilet and proceeded to get rid of her breakfast. She stuck her finger down her throat and gagged a couple of times before she succeeded. After a few other tries everything that she just ate came back up. It felt so good to have an empty stomach again.

  But her throat began to burn and her eyes were a little bit watery and red she splashed some cold water on her face and rinsed her mouth out a little bit before placing a tic tac in her mouth. Then she washed her hands clean of what she just did. She opened up Lucas's bathroom door and started to walk downstairs.

  She wanted to feel guilty about what she did but she did but she just couldn't. It was only her first time purging she just wanted the empty feeling in her stomach all the time. But she hated the way she was  feeling inside.

  "Would you like something to drink?" Luke asked her. "Um, water will be fine." She told him. "Thanks. She said as he handed her a glass of water. "Luke I'm gonna go home, I'm not feeling very well." Katy told him. "Your always welcome to stay here..... you know that right?" Luke asked her. "Yeah I know I think I just need to lye down in my own bed for a while besides nobody's home now." She explained.

  "What about your brother?" He's gone for the day with some girl." She told him. "I don't think you should be alone when your not feeling well." He said to her. "It's just my stomach." She lied. "Can I go take a nap in your bed then since you don't want me going home?" She asked him. "Yeah sure go ahead." He told her not wanting to argue about it.

  "Thanks Babe!" She said happily to him. He followed her upstairs to his room and they both got under the blankets and went back to sleep for a while.

   ****Chapter 6 Ends****

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