Bio, History, Harem and Chapter 1: Welcome Home

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Full name: Y/N M/N Xiao Long

AKA: Darth Vader

Looks like: Black robes with black cape, black gloves and boots with black armor and a black helmet. Cybernetic arms and legs. Life support system on chest. Completely fireproof.

Family: Summer Rose and Raven Branwen (Wives) Taiyang Xiao Long (Brother) Qrow Branwen (Brother in law) Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long (Daughters) Zwei (Pet)

Friends: Captain Rex, R2-D2, C3-PO, Ozpin, Admiral Piett and Professor Ozpin

Harem (Current): Summer Rose, Raven Branwen, General Esdeath, Dr. Aphra, Padme Amidala and Ahsoka Tano.

Powers/Abilities: The Force, Aura and Semblance

Aura: Energy field generated by your soul. Protects you from harm and can heal you from any injury until Aura is depleted for a short time.

Semblance: Manipulation/control over the elements. Water. Earth. Fire. Air and Lightning.

The Force: Energy created by all living things. Mainly uses the Dark Side. Abilities use are Force choke, Force telekinesis, telepathy

Weapons: Lightsaber. Though your durasteel robotic limbs are strong enough to punch a human's jaw off.

History: You were born on the planet Remnant. You lived in the Kingdom of Vale with your brother Taiyang and trained in Signal Academy before applying to Beacon Academy to become a Huntsman. You and Tai then met Summer Rose, Raven and Qrow Branwen. You all became best friends.

On your third year you began to date Summer before Raven became attracted to you after you defeated her in a duel and once you showed your full power on a swarm of Grimm then Raven began to date you as well. (Much to Qrow's annoyance and his protective brother mode.) However after Summer and Raven got pregnant, Remnant was visited by a Jedi Knight and Padawan named Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi along the disguised Naboo Queen Padme Amidala.

Qui-Gon then discovered that you had a high amount of mino-chlorians (Which you, Summer and Tai thought was some space cancer.) and a strong connection to the Force. You became intrigued with the Jedi's description of the Force and its abilities so when he offered a chance to train and become a Jedi you took it and left Remnant with the promise to your family to come back.

Qui-Gon was killed by a Sith Apprentice named Darth Maul on a battle against the Trade Federation on Naboo. Obi-Wan killed the Sith and became a Jedi Knight and became your Master to train you to be a Jedi.

The two of you became friends while going crazy missions where one of you had to rescue you out of a dangerous situation more than once.

Then you met former Queen, Senator Padme Amidala again as her body guard. The two of you became attracted to one another on the mission and on a battle on Genosis. Which was conflicting on your part, since you wanted to be loyal to Summer and Raven before remembering how open your relationship with them was and married her in secret.

Then began the Clone Wars after you became a Jedi Knight. You initialing wanted to return to Remnant but Supreme Chancellor Palpatine convinced you to stay and fight so that the war never spread and reach Remnant.

You were promoted as a General of the Clone Army of the Galactic Republic and assigned to the 501st Legion. There you met the Clone Trooper CT-7567, which you nicknamed Rex.

During the war, you were given (Against your will) a Jedi  Padawan named Ahsoka Tano to be your apprentice. Reluctantly, you accepted her as your Padawan.

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