Chapter 2: Meeting the kids

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Roughly an hour later, you and Summer were on a Bullhead in route to Beacon Academy. Tai and the others stayed home. Apparently they had taken a liking to Zwei, a corgi Summer had gotten when Ruby was three.

Ruby, you thought. Your second daughter that loves scythes, cookies, strawberries and was a weapons' geek. 

"Oh, I can't wait for Ruby and Yang to see you again!" Summer said, mildly bouncing excitedly and standing next to you. "They're going to be so happy and filled with joy!"

No, they were going to be so angry and filled with murderous rage. Well, Yang might. She was old enough to know me, and she'll be mad. You tilt your head realizing that you may deal with an angry Raven Branwen that had left to lead a tribe of bandits when she thought you weren't coming back. She'd be angry first before being happy I'm back once she hears I'm back. She was a complicated woman then, she probably still is now.

Still, Summer had tried to comfort you like always.

You concluded that Summer was now friends with Professor Ozpin since she was coming to school grounds unannounced or without an invitation.

It was lunchtime when we entered the Academy. You faintly heard students talking behind the close doors. When yond both stopped at the dorm, Summer smiled at you one last time before she opened the door. 

As soon as she opened the door you saw Ruby Rose run to Summer in a blur. Shit, you thought as they hugged each other. She really looks just like her mother. Same hair and eyes, everything. Yang looked like Raven but with your eyes and hair. If it weren't for the fact that you failed at "The Floor is Lava," you would probably be crying right now.

Ruby and her teammates saw you standing at the doorway after hearing your breathing. Ruby turned to Summer. "Who's this, Mom?" she asked.

"This your father, Ruby and Yang." Summer replied, gesturing to you. "This is Y/N."

Ruby looked at you with wide eyes but you saw Yang's eyes turn crimson like Raven's.

Here we go, you thought.

"... Why? WHY DID YOU LEAVE US?!" she cried out in anger. "Raven left! And I've waited for you! Both of you! To come home!"

You remain silent for a long moment, save for your breathing.

"... I left you to protect you and our home world from war." You said after a moment. "You could have taken us with you!" Yang said. "We could have helped you!"

Yang raised her fist and you simply stood there. You may have been justified to leave, but so does she have every right to be angry.

Tai held back when he punched, Yang didn't.  Her fist hit you in the control panel and you flew back before you felt your back crash through the wall behind you along with another wall and the tree outside the dorm building before you rolled on the ground and finally hit the statues.

Your lenses glitched as you fell to floor. 



"...Good punch..." you wheezed before you past out.


(Summer's P.O.V.)

Ahsoka-We're on the planet for nearly half a day and his suit's already looking like a Walker stepped on it.

"Force damn it!" Aphra shouted in annoyance and exasperation as soon as she entered Beacon's infirmary and saw Y/N on the bed. "I just upgraded his suit." she grumbled.

We brought Y/N to Beacon's infirmary and I called Tai and told him about Yang punching her father.

I should have seen this coming. Yang's temper always got the better of her. The bright side was that Yang was no longer angry but panicking about her father being in the hospital wasn't exactly an improvement.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked while Ruby paced back and forth and Yang was pulling on her hair.

"If we get him in a bacta tank while I fix his suit," Aphra answered.

Ahsoka turned to the droids next to her. "R2, 3P0." She said. "Get the bacta tank ready." she turned to Esdeath and I. "We have to take him out to the courtyard."

"What's a bacta tank?" Ruby asked while we pushed Y/N's bed in the hallway.

Padme-It's a submersible tank that's filled with a healing drug that helps speeds up natural healing from injuries and wounds..

Esdeath sent a sad look at Y/N. "But it just numbs the pain for him by a fraction." I look down at Y/N, confused. How bad was he injured?

I got my answer when we got to the ship and he was held by robotic arms. His black mask was the first to come off. I stare with wide eyes as his black gloves and boots revealed robotic limbs underneath. I hear Ruby and Yang gasp as his control panel and armor was taken off to reveal pale and scarred skin underneath with tube being hooked up to his body and a breathing mask was placed over his mouth as the bacta tank was filled with white liquid.

"What happened to him?" I asked.

Padme sighed sadly. "That is a long story." Next to her, R2 beeped and whistled in a sad tone. Aphra rubbed her chin as she looked at the tank. "You know, I've been thinking about making nanobots that could really fix him up."

Esdeath turned to her. "Really?" she asked. Aphra nodded. "Give me an hour to make the Nanos and then boom, Lord Vader will be a complete new and improved BAMF."

"Are you sure about this?" I asked. Ahsoka turns to me. "It's either that or he stays like this." she said. I look back at Y/N in the tank uncertain before nodding at Aphra. "Do it."

Aphra cracked her knuckles as she walked to make the nanobots. 

"Mom..." Yang said after a moment of silence. "I'm sorry." I looked to her and saw her sorrowful and regretful expression. I sighed. "I understand.  You were angry and you had every right to be. Punching him in the control panel clearly wasn't a good idea for his health but it can't be undone."

Ruby shifted a bit before turning to Esdeath. "So, how do you know Dad?" she asked the silver haired woman.

Esdeath and Padme exchanged some sly smiles (Ones I exchanged with Raven) with Ahsoka. The former calling out. "R2."

The blue droid rolled in front before his camera glowed and a holographic sentence showed up.

Long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

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