Chapter 5: Welcome back to Beacon, Y/N

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One hour later. . . 

Damn the Force and any deity in existence for giving Summer April Rose the ability of puppy eyes.

Even to this day you could not resist those silver puppy eyes after all these years. Some part of you hopes that your daughter Ruby hasn't inherited anything like so. Aw, who are you kidding? Of course, she did.

You walked to Beacon and through the academy, ignoring the looks some students gave you and walked to the elevator. 

"Can I help you, sir?" a woman asked from your left. You paused and looked to her direction, and you recognize who it is. Your old partner.

"Well, well, well." you said in a greeting tone. "If it isn't Glynda Goodwitch." You glance to her weapon and chuckle. "Still using a riding crop as a weapon, I see."

She blinked at your response before she replayed your words and they sprung up memories of past conversations and arguments about her weapon of choice. "Y-Y/N?" she asked slowly with wide eyes.

You spread your arms out. "The one and only." She stares at you for a moment before smiling and she walked up you with a laugh and wrapped her arms around you. You chuckle lightly before returning the embrace. "It's good to see you too, partner." 

"I almost thought Ms. Xiao Long and Ms. Rose were exaggerating when they said you wear black now." Glynda said as she pulled away and glanced at you from head to toe. "I'd say it looks good on you, but I recall what your children had told me about how you got that suit."

You gave an ironic chuckle. "Tell your students to retreat when their enemies have the high ground."

She stared at you, shocked that you would joke about you losing your limbs and being burnt by the heat of lava before she shook her head. "Same old Y/N, aren't you?" she chuckled.

"I'm trying to be." You said somberly.

She gives you a sympathetic expression before clearing her throat. "Is there something you need?"

"Oh, yes. I was on my way to see the Headmaster." You mentally smacked your head for forgetting why you were at Beacon. But then again, seeing an old friend does that. "Summer has persuaded me to apply for a job as a teacher here."

She rose an eyebrow. "Is that so? I would have assumed that she wouldn't let you leave the house for a while." she stated.

"No, I'm sure that would be Raven." you replied.

She looked thoughtfully before nodding her head. "Very well. But what class would you teach?"

You open your mouth to answer only to pause. ". . . It would appear that Summer and I have not thought about that." Glynda chuckled in amusement. "Allow me to provide some assistance, partner."

Meanwhile.  .  .

Summer hummed to herself as she washed the dishes. She paused and tilted her head. "I feel like Y/N and I forgot to think about something," she muttered before shrugging it off. "Eh. I'm sure it's nothing." She then tries to reach high and put a cup at the top shelf. She stood on her toes as she tried to push the cup back before Esdeath came to her side and pushed the cup back.

"Let me help you, Short stack." she said with a smile. 

"I had it under control," Summer said. "And don't call me that, please. I can barely tolerate that nickname from Qrow."

"That's the teammate with black hair, right?" Padme asked with a raised eyebrow from the living room. Summer nodded. "And. . . his name is spelled with a 'Q?'" Ahsoka asked slowly.

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