Chapter 3: Y/N is back, that's all that matters

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There will be a bit of a lemon in this chapter

(Summer's Point of view)

"I thought of a lot of things Y/N would go through when he went to space." I said to the others in the room. "But all of that," I gestured to R2-D2, "was not one of them."

"He's been through a lot." Ruby said in a mixture of awe and sadness.

"If I had known what he did to protect us, I wouldn't have punched him so hard." Yang said before she paused. "Except for what he did to the Jedi Temple."

Most of us nodded it at that. Seeing Y/N kill children was horrifying to see, followed by seeing him losing his limbs and getting burned alive.

"But you got to admit," Esdeath spoke up, "Y/N became a complete badass."

I glanced at my daughters, and we all nodded. Okay, we can agree on that.

"All done!" Dr. Aphra declared as she walked into the room, holding a large test tube. "The nanobots are complete."

Ruby and I sped over to her, trying to get a look at the nanobots but Aphra held the test tube above her head. "Hey, careful." she said sternly. "It'd be a pain to pick them up if they spill on the floor."

Ruby and I scooted back and smiled sheepishly while rubbing the back of our heads in unison.

"Are you sure this will work, Chelli?" Padme asked.

The scientist did a so-so gesture. "75%." She replied. "They'll be able to restore his skin, hair and internal organs. Especially his lungs."

Yang: . . . And the other 25%?

Aphra: (Sighs) Y/N could die sooner rather than later.

I see them all look among themselves before looking to me and my daughters. I share a silent conversation with Yang and Ruby who nod their heads at me before I look back to Chelli.

"Do it." I said firmly. "We just got Y/N back. I don't want to lose him again."

Aphra walked over to Y/N's Bacta tank and connected the test tube to it on a tube. We watch with bated breath as the nanobots swim to Y/N and latched onto his right arm. They slowly begin to crawl up his arm and spread around his torso.

"Well, now I'm going to add some upgrades to his suit." Aphra stated as she walked over to Y/N's armor. Which I admit is intimidating. Ahsoka walked up beside with Padme. "Padme and I'll help."

I sat in a couch with Ruby and Yang before Esdeath sat down next to me. "So, do you mind telling us about yourselves?" she asked. I smile lightly.

It was more than half an hour when the nanobots were finished with their work. I could tell that Aphra, and the others were done upgrading Y/N's suit.

Esdeath walked to a panel and pressed a few commands. The tank began to drain, and I saw Y/N's body, now completely healed. Most of his scars and burns are now completely gone and his hair was now grown back. He opened his eyes and he looked at his hands and felt around his face. 

Clearly, he was surprised at what he woke up to. The tank opened up and mechanical arms moved in and began to place his new prosthetic limbs and armor on. The last two pieces was his black cape and his black helmet.  Which I consider to be iconic.


(Y/N's P.O.V.)

I wake up and don't feel like I'm on fire anymore. I mean, your body has healed somewhat after what happened at Mustafar but let me tell you that my body still felt like it was on fire for almost two decades. And the suit Palpatine gave me, made sure it stayed that way. He made sure I would stay his slave, even going as far as making the suit vulnerable to lightning and even adding a kill switch button.

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