Chapter 4: You want me to do what?

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More lemon 

A couple of weeks later. . .

You and Ahsoka sat in a room meditating. Your lightsaber laid in between the both of you. Both of your eyes were closed as you concentrated in your connection to the Force. Breath in. Breath out.

Your Kyber crystal had been nagging you to kill people and you and Ahsoka had decided to purify it. She had done the same with her lightsabers which were formerly owned by an Inquisitor. 

The Apprentice had become the Master and the Master, the Apprentice in this scenario.

Your mind began to drift back to distant memories as you began to purify the Kyber crystal.


You and Tai stood at the landing dock and stared at Beacon Academy in awe. "The pictures of this place don't do it justice," Tai declared.

"It's like a castle out of a fairy tale," you muttered in agreement. Suddenly you felt someone bump into you. 

"Oof! Oh my gosh, I'm sorry." A girl said. "I didn't see you there." You turned around and saw a short girl with black hair that was dyed red at the tips. She wore a white cloak with a red underside. You blink when you see her eye color.

"You have silver eyes," you muttered. "That's an extremely rare trait."

"Hehe, I get that a lot." She chuckled, scratching her head. "I'm Summer Rose," she held her hand to you.

"The name's Xiao Long. Y/N Xiao Long." You greeted and shook her hand.


"I guess we're partners."
"It appears so. I'm Glynda Goodwitch."

"Y/N Xiao Long. I look forward to working with you."

"Glynda Goodwitch, Y/N Xiao Long, Johnathan Arc and Odin Valkyrie." Ozpin said as you and the people mentioned walked up to the stage. "The four of you collected the golden rook pieces. From this day forward you shall be known as Team GXAO. Lead by Glynda Goodwitch."

You chuckle and turned to your partner. "Did you cast a spell on the Headmaster for him to do that?" you asked jokingly. Glynda glared at you before elbowing you in the stomach.

Yep, the four years were going to be fun.


"Raven doubts your leadership?" You asked Summer in the library. The two of you had started dating for three months and were studying in the library. She nodded. "It's frustrating. She keeps challenging me and questioning me, even in secondary class assignments."

"There's only one way to solve this then. Agni Kai." You said. 

"Huh?" She looked at you and tilted her head which reminded you of a confused puppy. "Beat her in a duel to the red." You said. "It's a tradition of my ancestral culture." It was but it was a duel meant for Fire benders. "She doubts your leadership and skills? Then show her what you can do. Do not hold back. At the end, you will have regained your honor and proven that you are the leader of Team STRQ."

She stared at you before beaming. "That's a good idea. Thanks Y/N." She kissed you on the cheek. "Wish me luck." With that she zoomed out of the library.

"In my experience, there's no such thing as luck." You crossed your arms and sat back in your chair.


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