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Right now I was sitting beside Luxe as he answered the questions the paparazzi was throwing at him.
He was cooly deflecting all of them along with the ones thrown at me.
Even though I had to open my mouth sometimes, it wasn't as scary as I thought. No one was coming for my throat atleast.
"So, Mr Quinn, since you brought Ms. Levita to the conference, we can confirm that your relationship is more than a fling?" One of the reporters asked.
"Well, I plan on sticking to her side of a long, long time, so no, it's not a fling. Never was." Luxe said.
"Mr. Quinn, what are your thoughts on Mr. Lucifer's new girlfriend, seeing that she's very different from his previous girlfriends." Another repoter asked.
I gulped as I looked at Mr. Quinn.
"Well, she's already family. So I hope you'll refrain from asked such bullshit."
This was the first time Mr. Quinn was asked a question and that he'd opened his mouth and all of us were left stunned.
I was already family?
Gosh, I was moved to tears.
The conference went on, confirming Luxe's position in the business world and a clearing a few misunderstandings.
Overall it was a very new experience for me. And I can officially say, press conferences aren't that bad but they aren't for me.

We were back in our appartment.
Luxe was handling some paperwork in his room while I was talking to Gio and others on Skype.
"Dad's furious that you're still alive." Gio said.
"Figured." I said.
"He is even more furious that you know Mr Quinn. Although he's furious all the time now that he has no right over the company and because if I don't provide for them they're broke." He said.
"You should sent them to an old age home." Lina said .
"I'm looking for a secluded one." Gio said making us laugh.
"Ads and Mathew are getting a divorce." Gio said.
"Wow, why they are the golden couple of the century." Flare asked.
"Apparently, Ads was cheating on him."
"Why am I not surprised?"
"Because she only chose him because you had a crush on him."
"Mhmm, I know that. Mathew was never her type."
"Wow your sister is a bitch."
"When did I say she wasn't?"
All of us chatted for a while longer before saying goodbye for the night.
"Well, took your sweet time." Luxe said sitting beside me. I smiled at him.
"Can you believe it, Lina and Flare are getting married next week." I said as we cuddled.
"Well, it'd be weirder if they didn't."
I nodded.

[A/N: Abruptly ended chapter. Guilty]

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