konosuba x yakuza adventures

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It was an average day for Kiryu. He'd been walking around kamurocho, he'd heard the story from ichiban about the fight on top of the millennium tower, it felt like it was the same as his fights he went through, all ending up to the millennium tower.
He'd been sitting in aps tea house, sitting at the table in the near back of the restaurant.
He could hear oda's teaching when he joined the tachibana real estate.
Just then as memories were kicking in, a waiter walked over.
Hello sir, are you ready to order? The waiter asked.
No thanks, I don't need anything right now. Just reliving my time, Kiryu said.
Alright sir, the waiter said.
Soon Kiryu took a breath, and walked out of the restaurant.
He soon walked down the road to the closest taxi, but as he noticed a child running on the street.
Kid! Kiryu shouted as he dashed to the child.
He soon ran as fast as he could and shoved the kid out of the way to get hit by a delivery truck.
It was Kiryu's last breath, death by truck in the mits of rescuing a kid.
But just then his eyes opened to see that he was in a room, checkered floor tiles, black clouds surrounding it too, as he looked more he noticed a chair and an end table next to it, both matching their pattern.
But as he was about to get up from the chair he was sitting on, he heard a voice.
Kiryu kazuma, welcome to the afterlife, someone said.
He then noticed a girl wearing a white and purple one-piece hagoromo dress walk out from behind the chair in front of him.
You were a brave person, who protected the innocent from the ratchet, even if your story was told to all, but now you are dead, the girl said.
No, this can't be, kamurocho needs me! Kiryu said, getting out of the chair.
Please calm down, the girl said.
How can i? If I'm dead another yakuza clan might take my death as an advantage to strike kamurocho, Kiryu said.
Please, just, let me tell you your options, the girl said.
Kiryu soon calmed down and took a seat.
What are they? Kiryu said.
You can either reincarnate on earth, or you can go to heaven, the girl said.
Neither! I need to go back! Kiryu shouted.
Please, there's no need to be so mean, the girl said.
How can i? chaos could be happening at this very moment! Kiryu shouted.
Just then Kiryu grabbed the chair he was on and slammed it on the ground, breaking it.
Please calm down, the girl said in fear.
Just then a staff fell from the chair and struck the ground which caused a beam to pick Kiryu off his feet.
What the?! What's happening?! Kiryu exclaimed.
Just then Kiryu soon woke up on the ground feeling numb.
As he got up, he noticed he was in a forest of somesort.
Where am i? Kiryu pondered.
Looked up to see the trees were normal as he remembered.
He then checked his body to see what was on him.
He soon found the golden pistol he had in his jacket.
My gun? How did it come with me when I died? Kiryu questioned.
As he kept checking, he had nothing else, no phone, no medicine, no money, just his pistol, his fists, and courage.
He soon walked along the path he could see.
On his journey, he noticed animals, but something was off about these types of animals, they were mushrooms walking along a stump.
Kiryu was surprised to see plants move on their own, he soon realized he was not on earth.
He soon noticed that the bath was just dirt leading to a narrow point.
I'm lost, I think I might need to make some markings, Kiryu said as he looked around.
He soon grabbed some rocks from the ground to create an arrow for him to know where.
He soon looked to see that there was a small glimpse of the trees' shadows.
He soon walked towards the shadow's direction not knowing what strange things he might encounter.
After walking for an hour he finally got out of the forest.
Ugh, I'm finally out of there, he said.
He looked out to see that it was a grassy field, inhibited by strange animals.
I'm not in reality, Kiryu said scratching his head.
He then ran in the fields to get closer to the animals.
They looked like big worms with horns on their heads.
These worms? I don't remember them having horns? Kiryu thought.
He then watched as a worm attacked something in the tall grass causing him to step back.
He soon noticed that the worm was a bit different from the previous one. It was purple, its horns were more curved, and looked really hungry.
Kiryu quietly stared at the creature as he reached for his gun.
Just then the worm jumped at him, ready to take a bite out of him.
Kiryu who swapped to rush style rolled out of the way and shot the worm.
It soon fell to the ground in agony, until Kiryu walked over and started shooting the worm until it lay motionless.
This world I'm in is pretty strange, Kiryu said.
He then looked around to see more worms creeping up on him.
You gotta be kidding me!? Kiryu said, fleeing from the worms.
He ran as fast as he could until jumped over a flowing river.
He looked to see that the worms were nowhere to be seen.
Kiryu, who was out of breath, finally laid down.
What is this world? Kiryu questioned.
Kiryu soon got up to see berries in a bush.
Just as Kiryu was about to reach for it, he heard a cry for help.
Please, anyone! Someone screamed.
Kiryu soon forfeited the berries and ran to help the person.
As he dashed through the bushes, he noticed a woman being surrounded by bandits.
Quit calling for help, no one's going to help you, a bandit said.
Soon Kiryu stepped out of the bushes and confronted the bandits.
That's where you're wrong, Kiryu said.
Who the hell is this guy? He looks like the world would eat him up, a bandit said.
You may be right about that part, but scum like you picking on the weak is low, Kiryu said.
Big mistake pal, a bandit said.
The bandit then swung a battle ax at Kiryu but he caught the ax mid swing.
He soon kicked the bandit back which disarmed him.
Kiryu then tossed the ax in the bushes and clenched his fists.
If you're ready to die, come at me! Kiryu said.
The bandits then charged at Kiryu with weapons in hand, but due to Kiryu's skill in fights, evaded, kicked, and stepped back.
What the hell is up with this guy? It's like he was born to fight, a bandit said.
Kiryu soon swapped to beast style, grabbed a bandit and threw him at a tree to where he stomped on the bandit's head.
The other bandits soon stepped back to the fear of what Kiryu just did.
Kiryu then looked at the bandit which frightened them
We're sorry! One of the bandits as they fled from the scene.
And don't come back, Kiryu said, smirking.
Thank you so much sir, the woman said.
It wasn't a problem, where're you going? Kiryu asked.
Im rena, i was heading to Axel until those bandits ambushed me, what's your name sir? The girl said.
Kiryu kazuma, can you take me to this town? Kiryu said.
Okay, Rena said.
Kiryu then looked at the wagon to see it was still in perfect condition.
He then noticed that the wagon was being pulled by normal horses, which seemed like a good start.
Kiryu soon got on the wagon with Rena who steered the horses.
I like to ask Kiryu, why are you wearing that suit in the forest? Rena questioned.
It was just something that spoke to me, Kiryu said.
After a couple of miles they finally reached Axel rena told him about.
As Kiryu got off the wagon, he noticed that the townsfolk were wearing medieval type outfits.
He soon looked at his suit that he was wearing.
This world is weird, why are these people wearing odd clothing? Kiryu said.
Kiryu, could you please help me unload my wagon? Rena asked.
Sure, Kiryu said, rushing over to help.
As he was finishing unloading the wagon, Rena had handed him a bag full of money.
Kiryu, who was curious about the bag, dug his hand in the bag to retrieve a coin that was made out of bronze.
Thank you, Kiryu said.
There's no need, my family don't have the money to pay for bodyguards, but it was nice for you to save me, rena said.
It's what I do, Kiryu said.
He then walked around the town to see what might help, and might possibly bring him back to kamurocho.
As he walked he noticed that people were staring at him due to the fact that he was wearing a suit made for modern day.
As he walked he noticed that there were some kids staring at him.
Hey mister, a kid said.
Yeah? Kiryu said.
Why are you wearing that in the town? The kid questioned.
It was something that spoke to me, Kiryu replied.
It spoke to you? The kid said.
You'll understand it, Kiryu said.
He soon continued exploring the town until he noticed a big building with a banner in the center of it.
Kiryu soon walked to it to which his eyes pondered uponed.
Excuse me, what's this place? Kiryu asked.
That's the adventurer's guild, where adventurers registrate to be one, someone said.
Thank you, Kiryu said.
Kiryu soon entered the building to where he was greeted.
Oh welcome, if you're here to eat, take a seat, and if you're looking for work head on over to the counter, a waitress said.
Kiryu looked around to see many different types of people.
As he took a step, his stomach began to rumble.
Kiryu soon walked around to look for a table that wasn't occupied.
Just then someone called him out.
Hey! Never seen you before, let alone your attire, the man said.
It's my look, I'll keep it that way, Kiryu said.
Quite a strange way to talk back, what's your name? The man said.
Kiryu... Kiryu kazuma, Kiryu said.
Kiryu kazuma? the only kazuma I know is kazuma satou, the man said.
Another person with my name? Who is this kazuma person? Kiryu asked.
You see him, are you here to help us defeat the demon king? The man said.
Demon... king? Kiryu questioned.
Have you been living under a rock? The man said.
No, but whoever this demon king is, ill help, Kiryu said.
Hmm, if dying is what you want, dying what you get, WELCOME TO THE GATES OF HELL! The man said.
What do I do to become an ally? Kiryu said
Guilder mission desk is over there, tough guy, the man said.
Kiryu then looked to see the counter.
He soon walked to it to be greeted by the receptionist.
Hi, how may I help you today? The receptionist said.
Kiryu, who was trying to strain his vision, opened his mouth.
I like to be an adventurer, Kiryu said.
Sure, just pay the registration fee and I'll help you with that, the woman said.
Kiryu then grabbed the bag from his waist and placed it in front of the woman.
That might cover it, just give me a sec, the woman said.
As he waited he looked to a board covered in missions he could do.
Soon the receptionist placed a small machine with a sphere on top.
Allow me to explain how this works, adventurer is the generic class and your skills are important, which brings you to your registration card, it keeps track of your level based on all the monster you killed, when your level increases you'll earn points you can trade in for new skills, now for the next step could you please hold your hand over the crystal? The woman said.
Without a word Kiryu held his hand over the machine which it started to function.
Soon a light from it started to indent into his registration card.
Once it finishes the valuation process, you'll get your current stats, based on those we'll find which class is best for you, the woman said.
Soon the machine finished signing the card.
The woman then grabbed it and read his stats out loud.
Alright let's see your stats, kiryu kazuma strange name, hmm your strength is above average, your intelligence and luck is average, oh your confidence is way above average, the woman said.
Kiryu, who was quiet, looked at the other adventurers who were looking back.
Sir, is kazuma your last name? The woman said.
Yeah, is it the fact you already have a kazuma in the ranks? Kiryu said.
Okay, so the best class for you sure has to be a brawler, the woman said.
I'll take it, i'm good at it, kiryu said.
Soon Kiryu's stomach rumbled once again.
Better eat before I continue, kiryu said.
Kiryu soon took a seat and ordered a meal that was uplifting for his gut and spirit.
As kiryu was eating noticed that people were whispering.
Kiryu suspected that they were talking about him due to the fact that he was wearing his suit.
Soon kiryu got up from his chair and placed the money under the plates.
Kiryu soon then looked at the board that had jobs for him.
Kiryu soon looked and noticed that the more difficult one had more skulls than the easy ones.
Just as kiryu was about to take an easy mission he heard the doors open.
Alright time for a new adventure, someone said
Excuse me, are you done picking a quest? A girl said.
Kiryu soon took the mission and turned to them to see that it held one boy and three girls.
I've already chosen my mission, kiryu said.
He then walked out of the guild to read the flier.
People with guts and strength required to help.
"A missing wagon from the wagonmaster" thieves, kiryu said.
He then ran to the client to see that it was a wagonmaster.
Excuse me, I'm here to help with the missing wagon, kiryu said.
Oh finally an adventurer, umm why are you wearing a... the wagonmaster questioned until kiryu interrupted.
It's my style! Now tell me about the missing wagon, kiryu shouted.
Okay! Okay! There was a wagon on its way here but unfortunately it never made it, we need your help to find it, the wagonmaster said.
Alright, where was it's last route? kiryu asked.
It was heading down from that way, the wagonmaster said.
You got a horse to spare? Kiryu asked.
Kiryu soon was lended to him.
As he explored for the missing wagon he noticed that there were trees chopped down.
This can't be where the wagon was attacked, where could it be? Kiryu questioned.
He then got off the horse and led it around for an easy search.
Just then kiryu stepped on a piece of wood.
As kiryu moved his foot to see it was indeed a piece of wood, not tree wood, but wood that was used in a building.
He then walked closer to see that there was more broken wood both tree and build.
Kiryu soon found out that wood came from a wagon, and it was the missing wagon.
This was no work of a bandit, kiryu said.
Just then kiryu heard something creeping up on him, causing the horse to be scared.
Go! Kiryu said letting go of the horse's lead.
Kiryu soon swapped to the brawler and rolled out of the way to find out it was a charging animal, was a bull-like creature with a big head like a battering ram.
So you're the one responsible for this wagon, kiryu said.
The creature soon charged at him again but kiryu swapped to beast style and held the creature back.
Kiryu soon started punching the creature.
He then threw the creature to where it hit the trees.
Kiryu soon quickly drew his pistol and shot it.
The creature soon fell to the ground until kiryu ended it.
That is over, kiryu said.
He soon whistled, in which the horse returned.
Kiryu soon examined the wreckage to see the passengers inside dead.
Kiryu soon carried the bodies out of the wagon to which he used the rag on the wagon cargo to cover the bodies.
As he walked to retrieve the wagon's name, he noticed that the cargo seemed to be good enough.
Kiryu soon used the rope to tie it on top of the back of the horse.
Alright, this has to be good, kiryu said.
He soon got back on the horse and traveled back to Axel.
As he returned, the wagonmaster walked over.
Sir, have you found the wagon? The wagonmaster asked.
I'm afraid it was attacked by an animal, it looked like a bull with a big head to ram things, kiryu said.
Oh a bulltar attacked it, what about the riders? The wagonmaster said.
They're dead, but I'm doing a deed for them, kiryu said as he untied the cargo off the horse.
He then placed it on the ground.
Soon people were watching as kiryu opened the box to reveal a variety of canned consumables.
Sir, this is enough to feed the poor side of town! The wagonmaster said.
It's my pleasure to help, kiryu said.
Kiryu then walked away to exchange the success for money.
After a few steps of walking, kiryu finally got the reward.
Excellent work kiryu, the receptionist said
Kiryu said nothing but knotted his head.
As kiryu walked to a table he noticed a blue haired girl perform for some people with water-typed magic. He soon also noticed that it was the same person from the group he talked to before he started the mission.
As kiryu walked to the bar and sat down.
Got any cocktails? Kiryu asked.
Cocktails? We don't serve that, could I interest you in beer? The barmaid said.
That'll work, kiryu said.
As kiryu waited he knew one way he could think of, sing.

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