part 2

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[The next day]
It was the morning, kiryu had gotten out of bed.
As he got up, he felt there was something in his back pocket.
When he did, he found the flier he took for himself.
I need to hide this, he said to himself.
He knew hiding it under his bed was stupid, under the chair coshion was noticable.
He soon noticed a portrait of a field on the wall, perfect.
Kiryu then looked behind it to hide the flier.
He then grabbed his jacket from the chair and left his room.
As he walked along the halls he noticed the place was quiet, abit too quiet.
Kiryu then walked out of the mansion confused as ever.
Where are they? Kiryu pondered.
He then walked to the gate to all of a sudden hear noises.
Kiryu then closed the gate behind him to look around for the owner of the noise.
Oi, i know you're here, show yourself, kiryu said.
He soon noticed a girl hiding behind a tree.
What's your name kid? Kiryu said.
My yunyun, the girl said.
Yunyun? Strange name, kiryu said.
Y-you didn't laugh at my name, yunyun said.
Egh, been hearing more odd names, what are you doing here? Kiryu asked.
I'm here to settle my score with megumin, yunyun said.
Are you friends with her? Kiryu asked
Sorta, yunyun said.
Well tough luck, they're not here, kiryu said.
What?! W-where are they? Yunyun said.
I don't know, kiryu said.
He then walked away to start his day, but first he went to the blacksmith for his weapons.
As he walked he noticed that things were quite different, quite calm.
He soon walked to the blacksmith.
As he entered he noticed the blacksmith forging a weapon.
Oi, you got a sec? Kiryu said.
Oh it's you, I finally got those brass knuckles you asked for, not as simple as I thought it was, here you go, the blacksmith said, handing kiryu the brass knuckles.
Kiryu then took them and put them on, they fit perfectly.
Thank you, they'll help me, kiryu said.
Kiryu then left the building and walked to the guild to see the others sitting at a table.
Hey, how are you doing? Kazuma said.
Good, got my brass knuckles, mighty useful, kiryu said.
Alright, I think we should get a quest, kazuma said as he and his friends got up from the table.
As they walked to the board as they examined the missions.
But as they did, Kiryu noticed that the receptionist wasn't at the counter.
Where is she? Kiryu pondered.
Just then an announcement brought their attention.
Emergency! Emergency! We need all adventurers to arm themselves, make your way to the main gate! The announcement said.
Kiryu quickly dashed out of the doors to the main gate as fast as he could.
He soon made it as other adventurers, to where they saw hevoncal, one of the devil king's generals, wearing armor, with the girl held in a cage.
Where's kiryu kazuma? Hevoncal shouted.
Right here, kiryu said.
Hahaha! You're still wearing that pitiful outfit, I'd give the cleanest cut with that on, hevoncal said.
I'm not easily scared, hevoncal, kiryu said.
What the? How do you know my name? Hevoncal said in confusion.
Kiryu remained silent as he stared at the heartless general.
The silent stare, how classic, you'll be easy, hevoncal said.
You're not hurting kiryu, Aqua shouted.
Kiryu turned to see aqua, kazuma, megumin and darkness walking to him.
Oh great, the holy pleaser is here, go back to your church, hevoncal said.
Kiryu then put his new brass knuckles on his hands, ready to take hevoncal down.
If you plan on doing this, then we have no choice, if you're ready to die, COME AT US! Kiryu shouted.
Rise my men, and take this imbecile down with his castle, hevoncal chanted.
Soon an army of undead skeletons rose from the ground armed with weapons.
Kiryu then ran in the battle. First struck with a furious right punch, then a left punch, then ends it with a round the world kick.
Just then a skeleton charged at kiryu with a sword over his head. But his brass knuckles had a new result

Kiryu soon noticed the other adventurers helping him fight the skeletons.
As Kiryu fought his way through the hordes of skeletons, he awakened his skill.
He then held his fists out, to where he moved them across and around his sight, as a red aura had appeared.
AAAAAAAAura blast! Kiryu said, blasting a wave of red at the skeletons.
Kiryu then ran past through the battle to where he was face to face with hevoncal.
You are much more stubborn than I originally thought, but that fighting i'll give you, too bad you'll die like the dog you are, hevoncal said.
Just then Kiryu swapped to his legend style, ready to fight.
Hevoncal swung at Kiryu but he dodged it.
Kiryu then looked at hevoncal to see that there was a weak spot, his face.
Kiryu then stepped back and looked at his registration card for a helpful skill.
Just then Kiryu hesitated and chose a new skill.
Kiryu then rolled under an attack to where he used his new skill.
Nature grab! Kiryu shouted quickly, raising his hand up.
Soon vines rose from the ground binding onto hevoncal's legs.
You imbecile, picking a skill in a fight? Hevoncal said.
Kiryu soon placed his card back into his suit.
He then ran at hevoncal to where he swung his sword a Kiryu to his surprise dodged it to where he jumped up the sword to where he threw a punch as his face.
GGGAAAAHHHH! Hevoncal shouted in pain.
Kiryu then grabbed his armor to violently rip it off.
Just as he pulled with all his might, hevoncal kicked him off.
He soon noticed that was cutting the vines he used.
He even noticed some skeletons joining the fight.
Kiryu quickly dashed towards them and mercilessly took them down.
Soon hevoncal bashed past his men to swing at Kiryu.
Kiryu dodged his attacks.
Kiryu! Kazuma shouted.
Kiryu looked to see kazuma throwing a sword at him.
Kiryu then rolled under a swing to catch the sword.
Kiryu then swung to only get blocked, in which he fought back hard.
Kiryu then force hevoncal's sword and slashed him.
I-impossible, how can you be so strong? Hevoncal said in confusion.
I've done this before I died, Kiryu said.
Soon hevoncal fled from the fight once again.
Kiryu then stabbed the sword in the ground.
The skeletons were defeated, no human died, Kiryu was something he couldn't understand.
After things calmed down, Kiryu went to the wiz's shop for something.
Oh Kiryu, I didn't expect you to be here, wiz said.
Kiryu didn't respond.
He soon walked to a shelf to see some shoes with feathered wings on them.
How much? Kiryu asked.
They're 500 eris, wiz responded.
Kiryu then placed the money on the counter and left the store.
As he left he placed the shoes on to see that they worked.
Kiryu soon began running faster than he previously was.
As Kiryu slowed down, he looked at the shoes knowing it would help.
He soon returned to the guild to see others looking at the board.
Oh Kiryu, we found a quest for us to enjoy, kazuma said handing him a flier.
The flier said "find the everlasting tree to retrieve a special leaf".
Kiryu soon found out it was requested by a paladin.
Alright, let's go, Kiryu said.
They then registered the mission and left the town.
While they ran along the path, Kiryu had his winged shoes on.
Kiryu, what do you have? Aqua said.
Kiryu didn't reply back, he was not happy nor angry, he was normal, focused on the mission.
They soon noticed that the tree was surrounded by purple water.
There it is, the everlasting tree, megumin said.
Kiryu soon walked closer to the tree's moat to where he could hardly see anything.
That water doesn't look good, Kiryu said.
Aqua then kneeled to the river to where she placed her hand in the water.
I don't think that's a good idea, Kiryu said.
I'm just purifying it, aqua said.
Just then, Kiryu noticed a silhouette of something in the water.
Aqua! Kiryu shouted as he pulled her from the water.
What is wrong with you Kiryu? Aqua said.
Kiryu looked at the water to see that it was gone.
Where did it go? Kiryu said, confused.
Kiryu looked to see everyone confused about his actions.
I saw something in the water, heading at you, Kiryu said.
Huh? I never saw that? Aqua said.
He soon noticed darkness walking over looking at the water at a close distance.
Darkness, be careful, Kiryu said.
She then splashed her hand in the water to suddenly get bit by a fish.
AAHH! Darkness screamed in pain.
Everyone then pinned darkness's arm down to where Kiryu started to punch the fish.
The fish soon lets darkness's hand go, to which it started to flop to the water.
But it stopped when Kiryu placed his foot on it.
It's choppler, they can breathe on land, megumin said.
Kiryu then moved his foot letting the choppler flop back into the water.
He looked at darkness again to see her blush from the pain.
Megumin, could you tell me about chopplers? Kiryu asked.
Oh chopplers live in purple water, their water lures in unexpecting adventurers, megumin said.
They normally born in that water? Kiryu questioned.
No, due to their ability to breathe on land, they flop across the ground to purple water, megumin said.
Kiryu then looked at his shoes, then the tree.
He then took some steps back and jumped over the water to land on the little island the tree was on.
Kiryu then climbed up the tree and started to pick leaves from it.
As he was he noticed a heart shaped fruit.
Kiryu, whose eyes were caught on, climbed to it and reached out for it.
Hey Kiryu! Are you done in there? Kazuma shouted.
Yeah, just let me get this heart, Kiryu said.
Don't! Megumin said.
Kiryu stopped trying to pick the fruit.
Kiryu then climbed out of the tree with pockets full of leaves.
Kiryu then ran and jumped over the water again.
Okay, I got the leaves, weren't there more difficult ones? Kiryu said.
It was a 7 skull quest, why did it say that? Aqua said.
Hmm, that's strange, Kiryu said.
After a while they returned to the town.
Kiryu was looking at the mission board while the other reasture the mission.
Quite weird, you five don't like you got seriously hurt? The receptionist said.
We're kinda confused about that, kazuma said.
As Kiryu looked away from the board he saw Aqua performing water tricks to fellow adventurers.
Kiryu, who was coriuse on how to uppen her performance, looked at his card to find a skill, nope none of them could help, so he raised his hand to a waitress.
How can I help you sir? She asked.
You have water on the menu? Kiryu asked.
Why yes, you doing to sing again? The waitress said.
I am, you wouldn't happen to know a skill that will give me to sing the song with the music? Kiryu said.
Hmm, I have heard of an adventurer use a skill called "labyrinth voice" to sing.
Hmm, Kiryu looked at his card again to see that the available skills had changed. Luck would have it, the skill was there.
Kiryu felt his body get affected by skill.
He then walked over to aqua.
Aqua, mind if I enlighten the show? Kiryu said.
Oh, sure, go ahead, aqua said.
Kiryu then used his new skill to enlighten the crowd.

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