~ILuna hangout day~

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Third person POV:

Aia woke up to her alarm *LETS GET IT STARTED NOW, LETS GET IT STARTED NO-* 

She clicked stop and started to stretch, she looked around in her room for a split second and then decided to get out of bed. She opened the curtains and light came rushing inside.

-Darn sunlight, She said closing her eyes a bit. 

She knew Scarle probably hasn't woken up yet and got her slippers to go to her room.

Aias POV:  

Today we ILuna is going to an amusement park! So i have to wake up Scarle so she can get ready in time.  I walked the 5 meters from my room to hers and gently knocked on the door. No one answered so I assumed that she was still asleep and let myself in. There i saw her sleeping like a rock.

-WAKE UP SCARLE~, I sang making her eyes shut open.

-Mmm I don't wanna wake up, She said and turned around.

I opened the curtains as she started screaming.


I just laughed and told her Imma be making breakfast. She nodded as she tried waking herself up.     

I then went to the kitchen and took bacon and eggs out the fridge. Today was gonna be a fun day! I took the frying pan and turned on the stove, I poured some oil in the waited a bit until i put in the bacon. About the time the bacon was done i saw Scarle walking from her room towards me.

-You awake sleepy head? I asked kissing her on the cheek.

-Yeah kinda, not really, She answered hugging me.

-I'll fix the table, she said and did so.

I continued frying our breakfast until we heard someone at the door.

-I'll get it! Scarle said and went to the door.

I wondered who'd come to our house so early. 

-Omg Maria! Scarle said making me turn around to see a pink haired girl at our front door.

-Maria? What are you doing here so early? I asked shocked but still happy to see her.

-Oh i looked at the time wrong and got ready 2 hours early, mind if i eat breakfast here? She said.

-Of course! I accidentally made too much bacon anyway, take a seat! I said taking out an extra plate.

We ate breakfast with Maria and got done to head out to meet the boys.

-Are you excited? I asked Maria seeing stars in here eyes.

-Yes!! I've been waiting forever for this day, she said and that made my heart boil.

-AWW MARI YOUR SO CUTE! Scarle said making everyone in the train look at us.

I could tell scarle was uncomfortable so i quickly stood in front of her to cover her and Maria did the same.

-What you looking at? My big sisters b**bs? Maria said which caught them by surprise and started to look away.

-Damn Maria, sometimes i forget you know those types of words.

-What's that supposed to mean huh? She answered while Me and Scarle laughed at how cute she was.

We finally arrived to the amusement park and looked around to see if we could find the others. After just 5 mins we saw a blue haired boy coming towards us.

-Waddap bitches, he said making Scarle laugh.

We all said hi back and waited for the two other lovebirds come.

-They are probably making out on the train, Kyo said laughing.

We waited a little bit more until we finally saw them.

-Sorry for the long wait the train got delayed! Aster said.

-Oh no worries! But let's go in now, I said and we all went in.

Third person POV:

When they got in they looked around it was so many fun stuff to do!

They started off with a ride called "Center of the earth" which was a roller coaster. Only Ren, Aster, Aia and Maria dared to try. Ren was fascinated by everything while the 2nd years were scared. Maria seemed to be having a great time and wasn't really scared. When they got off Ren was so happy and wanted to ride it again, Maria wanted to aswell and they went in line.

-N E V E R    A G A I N, The second years said calming their hearts.

-Lol that's why i didn't go, Kyo said sticking his tongue out.

After some minutes Ren and Maria came back and they decided to move on, there was so many fun things to do!

They went on a kids coaster so Kyo and Scarle could have some fun. Aia and Scarle sat next to each other while Ren and Aster sat together. Maria and Kyo the first years sat together aswell and had a fun time.

Without noticing they checked the time realizing it's time for lunch. They looked around for a restaurant and  decided to go there.

-They have Corn dogs, Pizza, Chicken nuggets and alot more, lets go in here! Aia said pointing to the entrance.

Everyone got a menu and looked thru it before they were ready to order.

-Does everyone know what they want? Maria asked as everyone replied "yes".

Maria ordered some spaghetti with meat sauce, Kyo ordered plane pizza, Aia got a salad with some bread, Aster got Corn dog, Scarle got pineapple pizza and Ren got dino nuggets.

As we finished eating Scarle saw a cool ride and begged us to go and all 6 would ride it and we agreed. It was only a 5 minute walk until we were at the entrance.

-Ok you bitch, Kyo said looking terrified when he saw the ride.

-Maybe i change my mind, Scarle said trying to back off.

-Nah bitches you're all going, Ren said dragging everyone in.

The ride Scarle saw was "Tower of terror" and its like and elevator going up and down while its pitch black. It was instant regret the moment they sat on the seat. 

-Ok this is kinda scary- AHHHHHH, everyone screamed while the ride went up and down.

-FUUUUU- Kyo said trying to keep his mouth shut.

It went on for awhile until they finally got off, everyone was was trying to calm down, everyone except Ren of course.

-Scarle, WHAT THE HECK, Kyo said looking traumatized.

-Hey! dont scream at my baby, Aia said while Kyo was making a disgusted face.

-Im not here to third wheel bitch, Kyo said and rolled his eyes.

They all went to different rides all day and soon enough It was already 5 Pm.

Everyone went to the last ride they'd ride, The Ferris wheel. They just sat and relaxed while talking.

-Did ya'll pack everything? Maria asked as everyone agreed.

They smiled and ran out the ride when it was over and went to the train station.


Authors note

Word count: 1140

Hi! i gave you guys a spoiler for next chapter! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter even though it wasn't a lot of Aia and Scarle but everyone in ILuna. Please give advice if you have any and also much appreciated ideas if you also have! See you next chapter!


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