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"Lt. Mitchell, glad to see you." I stand at ease, waiting for Admiral Simpson to continue. "Take a seat, kid. We can skip the formalities this time." Slowly, I move toward his desk and sit down in the chair across from him. "I'm assuming your dad has filled you in already?"

"Actually, Admiral, he's kept me almost completely in the dark the last few days. I didn't even know he was coming back until he showed up at my door. All he's told me is that we'll be pretty busy soon," I say.

"He's right about that, unfortunately. We've come across a time-sensitive mission, a rogue nation has built a uranium enrichment facility that is posing a threat, we need to take it down. We've got three weeks tops, more likely less than that. Maverick has been ordered back to instruct the pilots for this mission, but I wanted to personally speak with you in regards to your participation. I'd like for you to fly this mission. You're one of the best, Mustang, and I need you on that team."

"Is that a request or an order, sir?" Simpson smiles.

"Does it matter? I know you wouldn't pass this up. From what I hear, you're too much like your father."

"To a fault, I believe," I say, standing from my seat. "When do we start?"

"Well, the other pilots should be arriving tonight to get settled, and we've scheduled briefing and introductory flights bright and early tomorrow morning. I hope that's not too soon?" I smile at him, shaking my head.

"It's never too early, it just means less time for me to think about it. Mav always tells me not to think, so I guess I appreciate the last minute notice." I move toward the door, then turn back to face Simpson. "Thank you, Admiral, for giving me and my dad this opportunity. We won't let you down."

"I know you won't." He nods and I exit his office, taking a deep breath. Briefing and first flight tomorrow morning? It's gotta be serious to move this quickly. I just hope I can live up to expectations.

I exit the main building and glance down at my phone. Mav texted me telling me he'd be at the Hard Deck if I wanted to join him. I haven't seen Penny in a little while, and I could use a drink. I text him back telling him I'll be there in a bit and hop into my car. For a moment I contemplate running home to switch out of my service khakis, but I'm too lazy for that.

The drive to the Hard Deck is short but nice, with a light breeze and an orange tint in the sky. The parking lot is littered with cars, bikes, and people, nothing unusual this time of night. Penny always draws a crowd, her bar is one of the most loved spots on base. I find a parking spot and climb out, waving to a few of the people hanging around outside.

Music playing softly in the background, cue balls clacking together and happy conversations fill my ears as I walk through the open doors. The faint smell of cigarette smoke and the yellow hue of the bar lights welcome me in as I wade through the crowd toward Maverick. He's got his back turned to me, but Penny smiles up at me from behind the bar and he turns to look at what caught her attention.

"Hey, Danny! Haven't seen you in a little while, how was the last deployment?" Penny asks, grabbing a glass.

"Florida wasn't terrible, dare I say boring?" She chuckles, setting down my usual drink in front of me. I raise the cool glass to my lips thankfully.

"Boring? Ha, you really do take after your dad," she says.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Mav and I ask in unison. We glance at each other before laughing in defeat. It's nothing I haven't heard before, ever since I graduated from the Academy it's been nothing but "mini Mav" and "you're just like him."

"So, what did Cyclone have to say?" Mav asks as Penny moves away to help somebody else.

"He asked me to join your class." He sets his drink down on the bar and shifts on his stool. "He said he needed me on this mission, and I told him we wouldn't let him down."

Come Home || Bradley "Rooster" BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now