well meet again ~

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3 Person:pov

Ford was trying to get dipper to talk but dipper just wouldn't talk "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF EXPLAIN OR I WILL TELL MABEL AND STAN ABOUT THIS" all dipper did was sit there on the couch in silence as he flinch when ford raised his voice when ford didn't get a answer He rub his head in frustration "my boy..... Just go back to your room we are going to talk about this in the morning" putting impetus on the word we, dipper did as told and went to his room as soon as he got in the bed he passed out and was in the mindscape where doors of doors were


"How did I get here" dipper said to know one in particular dipper open one of the doors to see a two year old dipper and mabel in their Grandma's living room 'I looked so cute when I was younger' dipper thought he closed the door when he looked at the hallway of door again he saw himself with a glowing blue aura around him (don't mind me stealing a owl house idea) I want to run but i don't know if I should "you don't need to run" the dipper down the halls said To me

"What do you want from me and who are you" I said he answered saying "I want nothing from you and for who I am, I am you the inner you but for a formal introduction" he said before clearing his throat "hi I'm inner dipper nice to meet you" he said walking to me waiting for a hand shake I shaked his hand nervously " um hi nice to meet you so um why are you here" "well I live here in your head and I'm here for you to look at some important things"

"What could be so important that you would bring me here" I asked all he said was you'll see I started following him as we walked in a hall way with different types of door with red, blue, green and yellow all colors you can think of some tall some small wide and thin but most of them had symbols on them that I couldn't understand when we got to stop we were at a baby blue door with a knife on it but before I could question it he pulled me in and shut the door "hey let me out!! I said banging on the door but he would not listen and then soon the door disappeared

"Guess i will see were I am then" I saw 8 year old me and mabel sit on the floor making a scrapbook for her and her friends now look back on this I do feel abit jealous  i never had friends growing up and mabel always brag about it so much but then I saw myself get a paper cut only than did I realize that this the moment when I found out how much I love the taste of blood I saw the tiny version of me put a finger in his mouth and eyes lightly up at the taste of the blood that mabel did not notice after putting down one more photo on the paper and little dipper went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. And he ran his little but to his room 'I was a little stupid back then' dipper thought

Inner dipper:pov

I was watching dipper with a guest who was watching with me dipper just following his past self he watch as his past self cut his Fingers staring at it the substance that came out the guest look like he had something on his mind when he saw Dipper face of disappointed as mom stop him after he watch her bandage him up watch as she left Dipper decided he was going to follow mom and what heard next made him speechless "Honey I regret us join that cult so bad" "I know so do I but we can't change the past" "its just...... I saw Mason cutting himself and im just worried on what that can mean" "I don't know what this means either but all we have to do is keep an eye on him" "ok I trust you" dipper fell to his knees heart broken by what he just heard "well I got to go" I look at the 3 sided shape and said "goodbye bill see you later" and he left dipper's mindscape


"I can't believe this their the reason I'm like all because they wanted to join some stupid cult" I said and put my head In my knees and started to cry when I look back up again saw that the door was back so I went back through the door and then was in the hallway with an assortment doors "I just understand all this bad stuff that  happens to me is all my parents fault the people I'm supposed trust since birth are the reason I'm like this" I said in such a monotone voice almost broken at that

"That must be so sad pinetree" an echo voice that I knew all too well said when I looked up all there was was an infinite whiteness of a room "what do you want bill" I shouted at the demon that I could not see soon the room turn into the woods
And the opening that Ford found me in but a table in the middle and bill floating above it "please sit my favorite pines" bill said to me I decided to listen just cuz I didn't know what he was planning "I suppose you have questions don't you pinetree" I slowly nodded. "Well answer away" bill said in some what of a excited tone of voice "how are you back I thought you die or at least banish" I question "well before I was erased from your stanly mine I casted A spell so I would come back but now I have this meatsack body" bill said then turn into  what he would call a meatsack Body

 "Well answer away" bill said in some what of a excited tone of voice "how are you back I thought you die or at least banish" I question "well before I was erased from your stanly mine I casted A spell so I would come back but now I have this meat...

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(What he wearing cuz I'm to lazy)

Bill: pov

I transform into my human from and dipper looked at it amazed I took a seat at the chair that was across from his and snap a meal infront of us with a thick piece of meat on pinetree plate and deer meat on mine "any other question pinetree" "why are you being nice to me what do you want from me" pinetree asked

"Well i will answer that when you have a bite of your food" pinetree a look of worry on his face with a bit of a disgust look "why do I need to eat it can't you just answer my question" pinetree said glaring at his food "yes you do pinetree" I said with a forced voice he sigh and pick up a knife and fork and cut a piece of the meat off and it wasn't any type of meat it was human meat and when pinetree put it in his mouth (that totally did not sound wrong😉) he eyes light up with such Delight "what type of meat is this" totally forgetting the question he asked before

Its Human

A cannibal in gravity fallsWhere stories live. Discover now