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Dipper: pov

I woke up to knocking at my door I turned my head to door and asked who it was it was grunkle stan telling me to get up for breakfast and bring me Tylenol I didn't understand till I got up and started having the worst hangover stan started laughing at the hangover I was having till he said " you should probably wear shorts sleeve for breakfast Ford and your sister are abit...... on edge"

I nodded and he left I put on a plane white t-shirt and some jeans and left my room for breakfast I didn't really want eat the food but I expected I'm going to get force 'I hate eating normal food it all way taste so bland I wish.... I wish I had some of that meat that bill made me eat it was so good and delicious and I should not be thinking about this' I said to my self as I was sitting down waiting to see what I'm going to be forced to eat, it was stan famous stancakes

While I was eating ford was setting down rules that I wasn't really listening till he said that my door must stay open and I can only were short sleeve in the house that when I snapped at grunkle ford and said "why should I have to keep my door open I need privacy!" grunkle stan looked at me proudly but ford looked at me with shame and pity "dipper this is what we are going to have to do until you tell us why" ford said with mabel on his side "I look at the two with anger and betrayal I should have seen this coming with ford but mabel she was my twin my best friend Forever yet she choose ford over me my eyes ready to ball up in anger I Thank Grunkle Stan for the food and the left to my room slamming and locking the door

When I got in my room I soon started throwing and ruining my room, there were paper and clothes were on the floor and there were a few holes in the wall after doing all that I started to become sleepy and decided to fall asleep on the floor When I opened my eyes I was in the forest again but this time no clearing I was in a deep part of the woods I was walking through the forest observing of the creatures that live in the Gravity Falls Forest until I heard a weird cracking more I listen to it it sounded like....."bones" I said in a low whisper and I started walking to the sound and then I saw it it was a younger version of me covers in blood

eating somebody who already dead the person look in pain when I looked at there face that pain also had a hint of betrayal younger me was eating at the leg and breaking bones as he was trying to get all the meat off the body I could not identify when I went to get a closer look I ended up stepping on a twig

This cause younger me to stop what he was doing and turn to me next thing younger me said was "why do you hurt me" this left me in a confused shock "what...." I question "why do you hurt me" he repeated I was going to say something until he said "you make me starve just because you were too much of a wimp to eat one person"

"Well i-it would be wrong a-and it would be considered murder" I said starting to stutter

"Oh who cares We Are Monsters no one's ever going to accept Us in society why even try to act normal whenever we try we get label as weird and awkward" little me said looking pissed

I was left speechless he was not wrong everybody in my life always said I was the odd one out then everything started shaking around us the little me said it time for me to go and take in consideration about what He said as everything turned red and I started falling

Then I woke up it looked late I checked the time on my phone it was 12 in the morning I didn't feel like sleeping any more after that dream so I started watching youtube till i got a text from robbie if i wanted to go to this stake out party in the woods i thought about it and text him back 'I'll be there in 5 just send the location' and I put my phone down and change in some clothes for the party

when i finish changing I had to sneak out the window again when I got out I went in the direction that robbie told me to as I was walking I started to get hungry but ignore it till I got to the party

A cannibal in gravity fallsWhere stories live. Discover now