please dont leave us

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Bill: pov

"Oh so we have a deal pinetree" I said extending my hand that had blue fire coming from it

Pinetree was hesitant at first but got over it and shook with determination "I guess we have a deal bill"

After pinetree said that I snapped my fingers and the girl body and the blood on pinetree shirt disappeared "better" I asked knowing the answer "a lot better thank you"

"Omg is pinetree thanking me I feel so honored"

All I got in return was a shut up how rude I just saved you from going to jail and helped with the removal of the body

3rd person: pov

As Dipper was watching bill and his thoughts he found this funny at first because Bill was doing these movements like he was lecturing him but wasn't saying anything but soon it got boring so Dipper went back to the party and played a few games with the rest of the other teens who were there gaining $150 from games such as Domino's and Uno flip (in my opinion Uno flip is the evil cousin of regular Uno)

After a few more hours of this different decides to go home but not without a bag of cocaine and two bottles of Hennessy Dipper was trying to run home as quick as he can without throwing up because it was 5 in the morning Dipper finally got to the shack at least not without throwing up a few times on the way there when dipper got to the window that was in his room he  open the window and through his bag in there when he heard his bag land on the bed he started to climb through it when he finally got into my room he was caught by a happy surprise of his Grunkle Stan in his desk chair with a cup of coffee

Stan: pov

After that call with Charlotte I went to go wait in Dipper's room after I saw he wasn't there but I ended up falling asleep and waking up at 4:00 in the morning I then went to go get coffee after I finished making my coffee I came back and waited for Dipper I didn't saw a backpack drop on his bed and then saw him climbing back in from the window then his eyes landed on me and he knew he was fucked

"So where were you kid" I asked Dipper started looking around I guess trying to find a lie but gave up and decided to tell me the truth "I was at a Steak-Out party in the woods with my friends" he said in a very quiet ton of voice but soon changed up as he was frantically trying to ask me not to tell Ford

"Don't worry kid Im not going to fordsy alright calm" I said trying to reassure him before I asked a very important question ( am I the only one who see stan as a dad)

Telling him that seem to calm him down so i decided to just go for it and ask the question "kid there's something more going on you're not cutting yourself because you're depressed you're doing it for a different reason aren't you" the second I said that Dipper tensed up 'I knew it he is hiding something but what' "you Know you  don't have to keep it to yourself I'm always here to listen and I will always except you no matter what even If you were a gnome"

The last part made him chuckle a bit but not much he seemed to be thinking about it but I wasn't going to force that out of him I'm not like Ford trying to force something out of someone that shit don't work at all especially if you're talking to teens

"look kid I'm not going to force it out of you but when you're ready you can talk to me I'm going to let you go into town to treat yourself but no buying anything you shouldn't be buying like alcohol and cigarettes I can see by your bag you already have enough of that" I said starting to walk out

"Wait stan" I heard Dipper say "I will tell you but not right now I will tell you tonight" after he said that I left to actually get some sleep

But me and dipper did not know who was listening on on our conversation that would get us both in trouble 

3rd: pov

After Stan left dipper floped onto his bed and sighed "what am going to do" dipper said to him self as he forced his sluggish body to get up so he can take a shower and not have to deal with Ford the second he wakes up Dipper then went to the shower and took a 1 hour shower

After Dipper finally got the smell of alcohol out of his hair he went to go back to his room so he can sleep but not without hearing the annoying voice nacho cheese Dorito "pinetree I will give you your food at 7:00 in the morning all the time when you finish eating come into the woods at 1:00 in the afternoon"

All Dipper could do was reply to him saying okay you stupid Dorito and the second Dipper head fell onto the pillow he was out cold


crying, yelling and then

Dipper: pov

"Huh what happened" i said trying to get up quickly after i heard screaming form the living room as I got to the living room I Saw my sister heavily crying

Mabel what happened why are you crying I rushed to her to comfort her when she tried to explain it nothing would come out her mouth she just cried harder

"Dipper...." I looked up at grunkle stan as grunkle ford stood behind him with his head down "dipper your parents..... Your parents are dead" after those words came out of stans mouth everything froze and tears slowly slipped down my face as mable was still crying in my shirt

"Kids I know this is really hard for you especially cuz it just happened on the spot but-" Grunkle Stan was cut off by Grunkle Ford saying "you are going to have to go to an orphanage until we can get custody over you too"

"What!! we are not going into a orphanage me and dippers can live in the woods we ca-" but I cut off my own twin sister by saying "We can't fight any more mable let's pack"

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