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As my feet step into the Greenland High, I start to get deja vu. All the memories are flashing right before my eyes, making me to barely able to walk properly. My face goes pale as I see Ife pass by, exchanging pleasantries with my teachers. I had forgotten how beautiful and charismatic she was. She was not too dark, and not too light. She was tall, my heart raced a million miles as I saw the surprised look on her face when she saw me.

I wanted to hug her badly, but I held my head up high and walked faster to catch up with Dozie. “I saw her.” I whispered.

“Who? Bisi?”

Dozie has been wanting to meet Bisi, his cousin ever since I told him about her. I guess all the events that has been happening didn’t give them the chance to meet… or for me to ask about Dozie.

“How is Ify?” I asked him, looking directly into his eyes as we walked further into the school. A lot of people were staring at me, but I didn’t seem to mind.

Dozie chuckes, “She misses you, alot.”

I smiled, remembering all the moments we had together. “And your dad?”

“He went to see a few people before he dies. His health is declining already.” He said it casually, as though it doesn’t affect him. Before I could say another word, a teacher was welcoming us and ushering us to our seats.

I sat for good five minutes before I stand up. “Miss. Simi, Dozie, I’m pressed. I’m going to the bathroom.”

Miss. Simi barely looked at me as she’s reading a leaflet, and Dozie was busy speaking with a schoolmate.

I went directly to SS3A, not caring what would happen. I had barely stepped in when Bisi embraces me. I chuckled, holding her tighter. When I pulled away, the whole class was staring at me.

“This all feels so… surreal.” I said to no one in particular, chuckling, “Me coming back here.”
I looked at each and everyone in the class, giving me apolegetic looks. Something definetely happened in my absence.

“What’s going on here?” I heard Jerry voice as Ife, Ayo and he walked in.

“Hi Clara.” Ife said shyly, I didn’t respond.

“It’s good to see you again.”

“Hypocrite! Hypocrite! Hypocrite!” The class began to say, excluding Bisi, Ife and I. I knew they were talking about Ife.

“What? Can all of you stop?” I said in anger.

“Stay away from Ife. We are sorry Clara, when you left, all what she said, she admitted it was a lie. You had to leave because of us.” Someone from the class stood up.

I scoffed. “I didn’t leave because of all of you hypocrites. My siblings went to different school, there was no one to look after me here. I was fighting alot of battles after the incident, and no one could even check up on me. Keep your sorry, I don’t need it, and I’m definetely not here because of you guys.” I said the last sentence glaring at Jerry.

I turned to Ife, “Nifemi. I’ve known since the first say of JSS1, and you’ve always been there. You tried to reach out, despite me not answering you. I’m sorry for being self centered, and not considering that we all make mistakes.” I hugged her.

“Ugh, if you’re done with you pity nonsense, you can leave my class now.” Ayo said, rolling her eyes.

I chuckled, “Ayo, when will you stop acting like you don’t like me? Anyways, I forgive you too. Take care of Jerry, you guys actually look good together.” I said and turn to leave.

“Come on Bisi, there’s someone I’d like to meet.” I said as we walked in the hallways, until I heard Jerry calling my name.

We all stopped walking and turn to him. “I’m sorry. I still love you so much_”

“I forgive you too. Even though I’m single right now, it doesn’t mean I’ll welcome you back into my life with open arms. Infact, in the next life, and in the lives after this, I can never, ever come back to you. I’m worth more than that.” I said and left.

A feeling of victory washed over me, because I was able to do what I wouldn’t have ever imagined, walking away.

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