Silver Leaves

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Silver Leaves

I wander through a forest,

For now my feet are the sorest,

I see a lake,

Reflecting the night sky and dreams,

And I go to it, but something stops me,

For a silver leaf has just landed in front of me,

I look around,

And I see that there are many of them,

Silver leaves, silver leaves,

As shiny and prestine as steel and mercury,

Everywhere, swiriling in the night breeze,

Twirling and whirling,

Making a coil around my body,

I dance and laugh,

I run to the glassy lake and jump,

The water and silver leaves following me,

I feel the cold like ice fingers,

But it is soothing, soothing,

For the silver leaves are there for me,

I float and swim,

The moon and stars surrounding me,

The soft breeze blowing as far as I can see,

For silver leaves, silver leaves,

They land all around me,

Silver leaves everywhere,

Forever more apart of me,

So shining and glowing,

Falling from the best of the trees,

Silver leaves, silver leaves,

So crysalline and glittering,

All of the silver leaves everywhere

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