Chapter 3

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The next day the two boys had gone to school.

Everyone knew them bc of how famous they were from their tiktoks.

Whenever they'd walk the halls, everyone would clear the area, standing aside and then greeting to their knees to bow down to them.

Richie winked at a group of girls and they all screamed and fainted.

Justin always got so jealous whenever Richie would flirt with so many girls. It made his inner wolf want to come out and rip up all the girls. he bit the inside of his cheek to maintain his hidden power.

"Heyyyy ladies!" Richie said as he swung his arms around two girls.

"OMG senpai!!" One of the girls purred as she took a huge whiff of his manly scent. 

Justin bit the inside of his cheek *that should be me smelling him.*

"How was your trip?" The other girl asked.

"It was cool, we took some really cool videos so make sure you check them out," Richie said. They continued on with their conversation in front of Justin, making him feel left out.

"C'mon Richie we gotta get to class," Justin said.

"u go on without me, I'll catch up," Richie said before he continued flirting with the two girls.

Justin sighed in anger, he couldnt believe Richie chose two girls over him! with a huff and a foot stomp, Justin abruptly turned around and started fast walking to his class.

*He's a poopy head. God why does he have to be so dense. WHY CAN'T HE JUST-*

His thoughts were interrupted as he ran into someone. Justin let out an 'oof' as he fell to his butt.

"Hey watch where you're going-" The person who Justin ran into started but stopped in the middle of his sentence


Houston looked up immediately after hearing that familiar voice .


There, Hayden stood there.

Justin's middle school crush.

Also known as his 'EX'.

"H-Hayden?" Justin was in complete shock. He never expected to see Hayden here. "I thought you loved in Canada? When did you get here? What are you doing here? "

"Woah woah hold your horsies, one question at a time."

Justin then looked away, "Why are you here..."

"I got transferred literally yesterday... we moved cuz of my dad's job."

"Oh..." Justin said. He remembered how cute Hayden was from middle school.

Justin observed the Canadian man from head to toe. *how did he get even hotter...*

Hayden let out his hand, waiting for Justin to grab into it. Justin grabs to it hesitatingly and gets up on the (bottom) of his two feet.

"Soo..." Hayden begins, rubbing the back of his head. "How've you been?"

"I've been ok... you...?" Justin looks away, a blush creaming on his cheeks."

" Nothing really... it's kinda hard making friends here so it's a relief I finally know someone." Justin flashed a smile, making Justin's heart skip a few beats.

"We should catch up, it's been awhile." Hayden said.

"Totally," Justin said. That's when they noticed they were still holding each others hands. But neither made a move to de-attach their arms.

Just then a loud cough was heard.

Both the boys looked in the direction where it came from and saw Richie.
"Am I interrupting something?" Richie asked.

"No we were just heading to class," Justin said. "I'll see you Hayden!"

"Ok justie dustie poo" Hayden accidentally slipped out Justin's nickname from middle school.

Justin felt his cheeks go warm as he heard Hayden's voice say his special name.Justin looked at Richie and saw how mad he looked??

He could have sworn he heard Richie growl too...

"OH! Justin before you go... I'm throwing a Halloween party!" Hayden said. "You should totally come! And your friend can come too." He said locking eyes with Richard..

They said their bye's and left.

"C'mon, lets go to class," Richie starting waking to clas.

Justin stood there, smiling.

He was definetly going to that party if thats the last thing he does.

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