Chapter 22

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Raiska slowly woke up, and saw Frieza sitting in the pilots chair. There were voices she didn't recognize as she slowly came out of the haze of her dream.

"L-Lord Frieza! You're alive!" a little yellow alien yelled.

We must have found his fleet, she thought.

"Yes Kikono. Prepare for our ship to board, I'll be there in a moment to access how bad the Frieza Force has crumbled this time," Frieza sighed and ended the transmission.

Just before it ended, she could hear the little alien question when he said 'our' as the screen went black.

The little ship slowly entered his main ship and set down. At the sound of it boarding and plopping down, her anxiety picked up a little.

"Are you ready for this?" Frieza asked as he locked her eyes.

"I- I think so," she stammered a little nervous.

They opened the ship and Frieza looked back at her as he held his hand out. Her heart was racing at this point and she took it. Slowly he floated up and brought her close to him.

I wonder if I'll be able to do this with my abilities?

They floated down slowly to the ground and once they landed she left go of him. There were already men bowed and waiting, but honestly looked surprised when they saw the girl next to him.

Honestly she felt like hiding behind him, this all was a little much. There were so many people in his hangar. They had all taken one glance at her, then returned their gaze to the ground.

"Lord Frieza, Kikono is awaiting you on the bridge," one subordinate said.

He couldn't help but look back up at the girl behind him.

"W-who is this? Is she a prisoner?" the agent asked.

Frieza glared at the man and he flinched, figuring he was going to die. He kept his gaze to the ground as he started to sweat.

Frieza looked back at her and nodded for her to follow him, as she did. They started to walk forward out of the hangar and through the ship. She couldn't help but look around at everything, and everyone. They all looked so curious as to who she was, but didn't dare make it obvious they were looking at her.

To them normally prisoners were bound in handcuffs or chains, but she was free to walk by his side.

As they continued through the ship, Raiska could see how much fear and respect Frieza commanded.

Finally they reached the bridge where the little yellow alien was standing, along with a few other Frieza Force members. There was a woman that was short and blue, and she also floated. Along with a very tall, almost demon looking guy who was red stood. He had horns and looked super buff.

"Welcome back Lord Frieza!" Kikono said.

The entire room looked at the girl standing behind him, all curious. Berryblue floated up to her and looked as if she was inspecting Raiska.

"Who's this Lord Frieza?" she asked.

"Her name is Raiska Ishimaru. Do you remember when my father once spoke about a race called Star Souls?" he asked her.

"Why yes I do! Especially how scarce they are. You're not telling me she's a Star Soul, are you?" Berryblue said, intrigued.

"Yes, she is. She actually comes from Earth. Berryblue, do you know anything about them?"

Raiska could tell that Frieza trusted Berryblue a lot, he didn't speak to her the same way he spoke to the rest of the Frieza Force.

"Why yes, Lord! Star Souls are specifically bound to a set race once born. They are very psychically inclined as well! Most report being able to sense others feelings, some are as powerful to read peoples minds even. Once a bond is formed with a partner, the two are bound alive until one dies. The connection is quite incredible honestly. If the bonded pair are close enough, they can hear each other's thoughts, can feels each other's emotions, even share dreams."

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