Chapter 2

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Frieza walks forward with a huge smirk on his face at everyone's fear.

"Well, well. I see quite a few familiar faces," he says and smirks.

Suddenly Frieza's eyes come upon Raiska and she freezes, completely immobilized by his gaze. Just like last time, they lock eyes and she can't look away. Red beady eyes lock once again with her sea green irises. Oddly she doesn't get the same feeling everyone else does. She doesn't feel him glare at her, but more gaze at her curiously. And just like last time, she blushes and quickly looks at the ground.

Seriously, what's going on with me? She thought. Once again my heart is racing and I can't even look at him. I don't know why.

She felt so foolish for the way she was feeling. She was a mere mortal, a tiny little human compared to his magnificent power. Plus, he was pure evil.

She looked up again and he was still looking at her, she looked down again and her face turned red. For some reason, she didn't feel like he was evil. She knew his actions were evil for sure, but at his core, that's not what she felt.

Not everyone knew it, but Raiska was very empathic. She could feel other people's emotions, sense who they really were. Most of the Z fighters knew this, but not all of them.

Whis was explaining everything and mentioned that if anyone wanted to come with as spectators they were more than welcome, since Grand Zeno approved it. He then looked at Raiska.

"W-what?" she asked, almost choking on her words because everyone's gaze fell to her.

"Grand Master Zeno actually requests that you come with," Whis said and smiled.

"M-me? Why?" she asked, starting to blush again.

She felt so embarrassed with everyone's eyes on her. Her heart started to race with anxiety.

"He enjoyed your presence from the small tournament between our universe and Universe 6."

"He insists you come, so that means you're going," Beerus said, matter-of-factly.

Last time with Raiska came to watch the little tournament between her own universe and Universe 6, she ended up chatting with Zeno. Which everyone was worried since he held rule over everything. No one knew what they were talking about, except her and the Grand Master. She refused to talk about it either.

"I see," she managed to say.

"Now, everyone hold hands in a circle," Whis called as he waved a little red flag with the number 7 on it.

Everyone gathered and held hands. Goku reached out and Frieza put his wrist out for him to hold. Vegeta was freaking out, not wanting to go near Frieza.

"Do hurry up, Vegeta," Whis said. "We need to be in a circle to jump."

"But with Frieza of all people?!" Vegeta yelled.

Frieza laughed and held out his hand.

"Are you that afraid of me?" he smirked.

"What?!" Vegeta yelled, insulted.

"What did I just tell you about teamwork?!" Beerus yelled angrily. "Here, Raiska will come over here and hold his hand. Happy now?"

If her jaw could have hit the ground it would have. Beerus noticed that she didn't move toward the circle yet and called on her to separate the two. She stumbled slightly and walked over to where Beerus was standing. She glanced at Frieza who was looking at her curiously again. He held his hand out to her with a dark smile. She did her best to keep her face from flushing red again, and grabbed his hand in her own. Frieza was surprised that her hand was shaking and looked at her. He didn't sense fear from her, just a nervous energy.

Lord Beerus why?! She internally screamed. I can't do this. I feel my whole body getting hot. My heart is racing! Okay, okay! I just need to calm down. Just breathe, you'll be okay girl. You'll be okay. No panic attacks.

Lord Beerus and Whis know nothing about her panic attacks and anxiety issues. She didn't want the God and the Angel to realize how pathetic she felt for it and think of her that way.

Finally she calmed herself and managed to look at him from the corner of her eye. To her surprise, Frieza was doing the same. Her eyes darted down to the ground as a blush crept across her whole face. Frieza was surprised and wondered if she might be sick, or had a fever, but he didn't say anything.

Beerus then grabbed Raiska's hand gently, and Vegeta finally gave Beerus his hand as they formed the whole circle.

I'm sandwiched between two hot men, she thought. I think I might just die on the way there.

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