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Jelmor remembersThe North Remembers

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Jelmor remembers
The North Remembers

Jelmor remembersThe North Remembers

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Many years into the future just before the death of King Viserys Targaryen

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Many years into the future just before the death of King Viserys Targaryen

LAENAERYS walked with her children to the carriage that awaited them at the gates of Dragonstone

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LAENAERYS walked with her children to the carriage that awaited them at the gates of Dragonstone. She would be travelling with her children back to Winterfell and her husband after her short reprieve to show her father his grandchildren.

In recent years Laenaerys had only seen her father herself, for the visits were brief and occurring when Daemon managed to wangle himself out of exile; only for those visits to come to a close when he had gotten himself exiled once again.

Laenaerys herself was exiled to the North, or at least that was how she saw it when she was first sent as the betrothed to the future Warden of the North, she deemed it a punishment to her father that not only would he be exiled but his daughter would be sent to the frigid end of Westeros in an attempt to teach him a lesson.

The lesson was not learnt.

In fact, the decision enraged Daemon further and caused him to retaliate by announcing to the court that his newly dubbed "Bronze Bitch" would be receiving no further children from himself before taking his dragon across the Narrow Sea on a new adventure. This adventure also included a detour to the North on the back of the Blood Wyrm serving as a means to intimidate the northmen into treating his most precious treasure with utmost care.

It would be reported by the Maester of Winterfell that 'never had the Princess smiled as bright as she did when the great beast flew across the castle, screeching for all to hear. Once confirmed that her Princely father would indeed be landing the manse would be witnessed to the first moment of joyful carelessness displayed by the young princess. For the princess squealed and took off into such a run the guards of the keep could not catch her and once she was indeed found it was to be in the arms of her father, who rather joyously lifted her into the air rejoicing in High Valyrian with his child'.

Daemon ensured to intimidate young Cregan Stark so badly that the poor boy couldn't stay within young Laenaerys' presence for longer than a minute before stuttering like a fool, turning red in the cheeks, and excusing himself from his betrothed.

Despite only being in Winterfell for twelve moons Laenaerys had made a lasting impact among the northerners most especially on Cregan himself, who had secretly admitted to himself to feel a childlike love for his betrothed and hoped for a bright future together with her.

Daemon and Laenaerys were uncontrollably close. Where Daemon went his little shadow was following close behind. This was further exacerbated once Laenaerys had claimed her dragon – a bronze beast that glistened in the sun. The egg itself came from a clutch laid by Vhagar further boosting daemons immense pride in his progeny: for he declared only the mightiest of Targaryen's could claim a hatchling of the last great dragon.

The two would fly constantly with each other Brāedāzma, the name literally translating into the coloured scales it was known for, would follow behind Caraxes both rider and dragon screeching in joy and jesting with their paternal counterparts.

Laenaerys owned the entirety of Daemons heart. He could love no other in the way he loved his dōna riña, his sweet girl, not even his future children could hold a smidgen of the love he carried for his eldest. Daemon protected Laenaerys from any and all danger. He allowed for her to have only the best education for, although he never said it aloud, his dōna riña was his heir, the queen who would ascend after he had done his tenure as king.

When Daemon would be on his travels ravens would be constantly arriving at the red keep for the princess. No matter the distance and no matter the age Daemon and Laenaerys were one and the same. Two halves of a whole. Daemon had been the only parent Laenaerys had known for he would never allow his daughter to be within the clutches of the wife he despised and by the time he remarried Laenaerys was far beyond the age of needing or wanting a mother.

So as Daemon stood before the carriage taking his most beloved treasure away from him, with his daughter and her children waving and smiling to their favourite Targaryen, he couldn't help but smile at the all consuming pride that befell him. His daughter was the lady of the most powerful kingdom of the seven. His daughter had produced a number of sons for her husband. His daughter had gained the favour and love of her husband in its entirety. His daughter had succeeded where many said she would fail.

Even so for some inexplicable reason Daemon felt as if that goodbye would be the last he would ever share with his beloved daughter.


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