I Think I'm Falling For You♥

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hey fans! I'm writing a new story; obviously. It's called I Think I'm Falling For YouI hope you love it! It might seem like another typical 'my best friend's a player' but, I promise, as in all my stories, there's twists!


I heard the front door creek upon. I inspected my reflection in the mirror hanging on my wall.

"Alex?" I heard a male's voice call out.

"Josh? I'm up here!" I called back down to him.

I heard footsteps creeping up the stairs, and my bedroom door swung open, causing my to jump from the unexpected noise.


"Hey," I answered him.

"You wanna ride today?"

"Nah, I'd rather take the old, gross bus with all of the immature freshman." I joked.

"If you want to--"

"Do I look OK?"

"Alex, we go through this every day."

"So is that a yes?"

"Of course it's a yes," Josh smiled at me.

He swung his arm around my shoulder, and he kissed my cheek, leaving slobber across it. Using the back of my hand, I wiped the wetness away and gave him a crooked smile.




"Are you lying to me?" I questioned him as I locked up my house.


"Do I really look OK?"


"Yes you're lying, or yes I look OK."

"Alex, we go through this every fu--fricken day." He corrected himself, knowing I hate when he swears.

"I know, I know. I'm just self-concious."

"And, I don't understand that. You're the prettiest girl in the school,"

"You're just saying that because you have to."

"Why do I have to?"

"Because, your my best friend. We've lived next door to each other since the summer after I turned three. We've been best friends ever since. Your family loves me. My parents--well, my parents are a bad example. You have to say I'm pretty."

"I could lie,"

"You just did," I smirked.

"Alex, I think you're beautiful."

"Thank you,"

We walked in silence to the car, and my head was screaming You love him! Why can't you just tell him? Stop being such a baby. It's a typical story line. Best friends fall in love! But part of my head was also screaming, Those are just stories and movies. Best friends don't really love each other. He'll only break your heart. He doesn't love you like you love him, Alex. Don't let yourself get hurt. He's the biggest player in the history of players at Washington High. I mean, you're seniors! Don't let your little love life ruin your senior year.

"Hey Josh?"

"Yeah, Alex?'

"Can I ask you something?"

"You just did," He smirked.

"Why do you call me Alex?"

"Because, that's your name?"

"But, it's not."

"You like Alex."

"No one else calls me Alex."

"You call yourself Alex."

"I call myself Alex? That's all you can think of? That doesn't even make sense."

"When you introduce yourself. You say 'I'm Alex'."

"I do not."

"Then what do you say?"

"My name?"

"Which is?"

"Alex," I said without thinking.

"My point exactly, Al. Now, get in the car." He opened the passenger side door for me, and I climbed into the car.

He got in the driver's side and started the engine of his old, beat up, used car.

"You never answered my question!" I whinned.

"What's your question, Al?"

"Why do you call me Alex?"

"Didn't we go over this? Fine, I'll just call you Al from now on."

"That's a boy's name."

"So is Alex."

"Not really," I mumbled to myself, "All my friends call me Alexis."

"Fine, Lex. Happy?"

"I'd prefer Lexie."

"Sure you would, Al."

"I hate you,"

"Love you too," He smirked at me as his eyes flashed towards me.

They locked with mine for a second before flashing back to the road in front of him, but it was all I needed to cause butterflies to flutter in my stomach and my heart to start pounding. He was just that perfect. But, he was the player. And me? I was just the player's best friend.

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