I Think I'm Falling For You♥; Chapter 1

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hey! So this is longer than usual! Yay! and, i wanted to thank EVERYONE who has been SOO supportive! I made it on what's hot, even though it was like #653, I'm still really excited! Also, everyone who says Alexis is "whiny", I hope this chapter clears up why she's the way she is. I hope no one hates her! I think she's a strong, amazing character, and I love writing all of these characteristics about her! Also, for those who say their relationship is a little to far out there, I disagree. One of my great friends, who I'm super close to, kisses my cheek like that, and I think it's adorable.

Thanks again guys, & don't forget the vote button is right there! CLICCCKKKITT! You know you want to! <3 xoxo, *and comment** and, TELL YOUR FRIENDS<3

We pulled up to the school, and I took a deep breath. It held it in for a minute, and I slowly let it out.

"You OK?" Josh asked me, opening the door for me.

"Not really,"

"I can tell. I have to go, though. I'd walk you to class but--"

"I know," I whined.

I closed the door, and he locked it. I watched as Josh walked away from the car. I glanced back to see my backpack sitting in the front seat of his car.

"Josh!" I screamed, but he was too far to hear me.

I guess I don't have a backpack today. Maybe I'll just ditch school all together. I won't have a lunch, or any of my homework. I stared at the car.

I tugged hopefully on the door, but as I assume, it was still locked. I shrugged and shuffled my feet towards the woods behind the car. I'll just hang out there until I can talk to Josh. Then, we'll drive somewhere together.


My phone started ringing, and I pulled it from my pocket just in time to see J-O-S-H flashing across my screen.


"Hey, Alex. Where are you?"

"I'm in the woods. Can you come get me?"

"I'm about to go to class. Why'd you ditch?"

"Shh! People will hear you! But, I left my backpack in your car, and it was locked."


"Joshhhy, just ditch with me." I whined again.

"I'll be out there in a minute," He mumbled, clearly upset with me and my whining.


I waited patiently, listening to the chirping birds. The way the wind blew my hair back felt nice against my face. The way the flowers were budding--since it was already mid-april--made me smile. It was the first time I'd smiled in a long time.

To everyone at school, I was the happy-go-lucky girl that wore her heart on her sleeve. I didn't keep my feelings for anyone. When I was mad, although it was rare, I would tell whoever made me that way. I'd tell them straight up, no questions asked. I never cried at school. I never showed anything other than my smile. I was always smiling. Always. Well, at school at least. At home, I was crying. Always.

"Alex, what's going on with you? You never ditch!" Josh whispered, sitting next to me on the log.

"I'm sorry I'm so whiny."

"Don't be. I just wish you'd smile more."

"It's not that easy."

"But, it is. You're beautiful. You have the right to smile."

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