I Think I'm Falling For You♥; Chapter 2

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I tossed a rock at the window, and if my aim was correct...

Josh's Point Of View

Something hit my window. I climbed out of bed, dragging my feet towards the window as I walked. I glanced at the clock, and the large neon numbers flashed 1:57 at me. I slid the window open and looked down at Alex, standing there staring back up at me.

Alex's Point Of View

"Alex?" Josh asked me.

"Hi," I sniffled.

He tossed down the rope later that was always sitting next to his window, made for times just like this one.

I climbed up it, careful not to miss a step. When I got close to the window, he grabbed my arms and pulled me into his room. I stumbled and fell onto the ground, but it was too cozy to move.

"Are you OK, Al?"

"Not really," I mumbled against his carpeted floor.

"Alexis, talk to me."

I rarely ever heard him call me by my real name.

"They're fighting again," I whispered, climbing onto my knees.

He pulled me to my feet, and I climbed into his bed.

"Do you want something to wear?" he questioned, and I shrugged.

He tossed an old t-shirt at me, and I pulled my old shirt off, leaving only a bra on. After I put on the t-shirt, I pulled off my pants and tossed them into a pile in the corner. Josh closed the window and locked it up, pulling the curtains closed.

We had changed in front of each other hundreds of times, and there was nothing awkward about it, even if I did like him as more than a friend. We were best friends, that's it. This was a regular thing, too. My parents fought a lot, and sometimes it got violent. Sometimes, I was included in the violence, and Josh always said if I needed somewhere to go, I was welcome. Lately, this was becoming a regular thing. The past eleven days, I spent the night at Josh's.

Sometimes, they fought early enough for me to go to Josh's right after dinner. Sometimes, it was right before I fell asleep. Other nights, right after school, I'd go directly to Josh's, and I'd just stay there for the night. Other times, their fighting woke me up, like tonight.

"I'm sorry I woke up you," I mumbled, messing with the hem on the long shirt I was wearing.

It fell mid-thigh, and it covered enough that I wasn't worried. Josh was a good kid. Besides, we weren't like that, remember? I fell back onto his bed.

"Don't worry about it, Alexis."

"Why are you calling me Alexis?" I wondered out loud.

"Because, you're upset."


"I always call you that when you're upset."

"I guess you do," I shrug, not remembering, and not caring enough about this to think.

I pulled the covers over my head and sobbed.

"Shut it, you're going to wake my parents up!" Josh scolded playfully.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"Al, you know I'm kidding. My mom's too drunk to care, and my dad? Who knows. He's not home."


"I'm glad you're here, Alex."

"I'm glad I'm here, too, Joshy."

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